New Squadron Leader for the Flying Tigers

Colonials and Raven Personnel,

It is with great pleasure that I officially announce the last of the Raven Air Wing Viper Squadron is now online and has her first Squadron Leader. He is none other than Lt.Jg. Roger "Reamer" Barstow. Lt. Jg. Barstow stepped up to undertake the heading of the Flying Tigers Squadron who has a long rich history of flying prowess:

The Flying Tigers along with the elite fighting squadron group of the Spartans headed by none other than the Raven CAG Captain Keith "Leonidas" Ranson, they will undertake the training of all new incoming viper pilots in training, to make sure only the best gets selected to fly for the Raven.

So please join me in congratulating Lt.Jg. Roger "Reamer" Barstow in this great undertaking he is about to take. It is not easy to lead a bunch of untrained nuggets just fresh out of the academy. Might as well put a bullseye on the viper and tell those frakking toaster, "HIT ME! I am right here!"

Lt.Jg. Barstow, I join Captain Ranson in unison by saying this, "May the Lords of Kobol have mercy upon you. Good luck to you and good hunting! :-)

Raven Actual



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  • congrats,and also my new redtailed hawk is flying to  the glove my daughter wants to name it lestat ,but i would like all of your input it is a  male  and i am open to sugestions.

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