12-14-2013 Flying Tiger’s 1st Anniversary

Air Show CAP / Battle Briefing


“Attention Tiger’s Attention”


As you know, today we are celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the Flying Tiger’s Squadron becoming the second operational Viper squadron aboard the Battlestar Raven. Many of you were not with us from the beginning, but each and every one of you has shown a high degree of expertise and dedication that have made our squadron what it is today. Just the sight of the Shark Mouths on our Vipers is enough to strikes fear in the resurrected Cylon Raiders we have previously destroyed!!!!! It’s said that they remember their past life and become deadlier killing machines, but I don’t believe it’s true for all of them.


The eyes of the Fleet will be on us today. First we will form into a Finger Four Squadron Formation and perform a fly by for the Fleet. Then we will break into our separate flights and get into position to perform a new maneuver I call the Starburst Maneuver. If we fail to perform the maneuver properly we will see stars as we crash into each other.


The Starburst maneuver contains elements of the Immelman turn, Reverse ½ Loop, Roll and the Hammerhead maneuvers. After our squadron fly by, each flight will take up positions at the perimeter of the fleet equally spaced at 72 degrees of the compass creating a large circle.


Each flight will head toward the inner circle of the Starburst maneuver. When we reach the inner circle, we will go into a steep climb. At the top of the climb we will execute a reverse ½ Loop and go into a steep dive. As the dive begins, we will execute a ½ Roll so our formations are facing outward. When we reach the bottom of the dive, each flight will level off at the same altitude we entered the maneuver. Each flight will exit the maneuver the same direction they entered the maneuver (see maneuver illustrations). This will conclude the Air Show for the Fleet.


At this point our squadron will regroup and begin our CAP. Even though this is a celebration of sorts, we must never lower our guards or become distracted, always be ready to expect the unexpected so we will live to fly another day.


When our mission is completed, we will get together in the ships lounge and the real celebration will get under way!!!

SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !


Any Questions?


Skids up in 15 on the port flight deck!!





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  • Happy anniversary to the Flying Tigers! From your friendly neighborhood Raven Marines. Regards, Iceworm

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