12-12-2015 Special CAP Part 2

  • Me

Oooooh.....Laser Cannons.....I like your style Vampire.....

  • Here they come....another flight jumping in....on our SIX.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Tagged a few more... Got a weird reading on sensors.. Anyone recognize that?

  • Me

Whoooosh....multiple missile launches.......

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

they maybe old fighters but still work.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Firing.... They're right in my sights.

  • Me

Woohoo....FireFox got those suckers.....

  • I do love that weapons system.....
  • Coming around and cleaning up the last one.....
  • Guns blazing.....pop goes the toaster!!!!
  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

i am coming up on a raider and boom good bye raider

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

*accidentally does a full flip* whoops! little too senstive to me

  • Me

You'll get the hang of it Wedge.....

  • give it more throttle....
  • Let her rip.....son.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

aye, more is good. FRak! Got one on my tail!

  • Me

Here's more to join the party.....

  • Whooosh....missiles away.....
  • Hahahahaha FirFox took him out.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Let's try spinning, that's a good trick.

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

coming up from behind firing one more raider byebye.

  • Me

Here they come....11 O'Clock high....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Wait... These are different. These aern't normal raiders....

  • Me

Execute an Immellman turn....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

These are war era raiders!

  • Me

Them is Turkey's.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

looks like a mix of old and new.

  • Me

You have to use missiles on them, 30mm just bounces off.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

What about lasers? How do they fare?

  • Me

Target lock....missiles away....Whoosh....

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

i have a couple coming at me firingv missiles and bye bye.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Vampire this may be your time to shine

  • Me

WooHoo.... tow Turkeys down.....Gobble Gobble.....

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

two gone going after two more.

  • Me

Laser's should work fine....

  • You need a Mk-I for that though...
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Vampire try and take out that turkey with your guns.

  • Me

Where is the Trireme when you need her.....

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

got three now coming firing lasers and railders gone to atoms.

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Whohoo! Armor plating don't help you now.

  • Me

Great shooting Vampire.....that will teach them a lesson when they resurrect.....

  • Yeah.....you said it Wedge.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • s big guns can't get a lock
  • Me

Here comes another Turkey.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Evening everyone did i make it in time?

  • Me

Oh.....it's a Goldie.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Aye, jump in a viper we're under attack

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

i see two heading for ravan gpoing after them.

  • Me

Freya launch in an Attack Raptor.....and have them load a couple .5 nukes.....

  • Launch when ready.....
  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Roger that Reamer

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

got the raiders

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey


  • Me

I'm targeting the Goldie.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Basestar on scopes, orders?

  • Me

He's a slippery beggar....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Permission to launch? ready to go

  • Me

Target lock missile away....

  • No permission needed.....Launch.....
  • Just missed him.....
  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

i m swinging around

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

reamer we need orders here, There's only the four of us and the raven's guns, and we have a basestar on our ass

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

350m on the way

  • Me

Coming about and Target Lock....firing.....Whoosh......

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Headed towards all the fun

  • Me

Pow.....Gold dust.....

  • Yeah.....
  • he's toast.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

raven's guns firing on the basestar, missiles inbound

  • Me

These Raiders just keep comming.....

  • You know what that means.....
  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Theres quite a bit of them

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

that there's a basestar ten klicks to your 9 oclock?

  • Me

Reamer to Raven......over.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

i suppose we really upset them after the op

  • Me

Hit em with another round.....

  • correct angle of fire.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Missiles armed, going on an attack run

  • Me

Got it Reamer.....Firing......

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

scratch more raiders.

  • Me

Direct hit in their mid section.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

I have a raider in my sights.. headed towards the raven

  • Me


  • One Arm breaking away.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Raven gunnery, Wedge. Battlestar has damage to quadrant seven, focus fire

  • Me

Yeah......you winged her good Raven....give it to em again.....

  • Freay.....over.....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Basestar is firing nukes!

  • Me

Target the Basestar for a direct hit in its mid section and let your Nukes fly.....

  • Incoming Raiders....dead ahead......
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

missiles away, vampire you and me get those nukes

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

i am firing my missles hit near the mid section.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Reamer is that why you wanted the chief to load me up with the .5ers?

  • Me

Guns blazing.....Missiles away......Whoosh.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Nukes fired away!

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

i just got several nukes.

  • Me

Bang crash.....pop......pow.....Raiders exploding.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

flies past basestar, destroying another wave of unlaunched raiders

  • Me

You know it Freya.....

  • Let em have it.....
  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

copy that sir

  • weapons free
  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

flying by basestar dropped missile at open launch bay.

  • Me

Great shooting Freya.....two direct hits.....

  • Watch it explode and burn.....
  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

moving away from basestar hitiing more raiders.

  • Me

Those are some great Fireworks.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

woah! reading an active FTL signature in the basestar, it's preparing to jump.

  • Me

Lets take out the rest of the Raiders.....before they get us or Attack the Raven.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

yes its nice

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

hitting turbos heading back to raven seeing raider heading for launch bay.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

i have a raider locked.. fire away

  • Me

I don't think it'll get very far.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

got it!

  • Me

Get him Vampire.....

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

nope got it it blew up with one laserf it was packed with solenite.

  • Me

Another bunch of Raiders....2 O'Clock low....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Chief reports tubes cleared and Alert Fighters launched! Hammerhead and minotaur squadrons on station

  • Me

Great.... we can use the help.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

I have 4 contacts on my dradis at that location

  • Me

Reamer turns to port and dives.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

wait.. I have another group showing up now. 5 o'clock high

  • Me

Guns blazing....last two missiles away.....Whooosh....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

Vampire can you get to them?

  • Me

Take care of them Freya, they're all yours.....

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

mainkg a rollover turn to get them in sight and firing.

  • got two down.
  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

working on it.. they are slippery buggers

  • Me

Multiple explosions as Reamers last two missiles hit their marks.....

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

more raiders means a second launch point.

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

missle lock.. fire... hit

  • Me

Pulling out of my dive and climbing back into another fight.....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

I got one more contact.. looks like hes running..

  • Ens. Joseph "Vampire"Vogt

scratch two more raiders.

  • Me

Take that Tin Man......Guns blazing......

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

locked on.. and there he goes.. got em

  • Me

Pow...pow....another one bites the dust......

  • Yeah....
  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Firing at a group going CBDR to Raven!

  • Me

I'm just about of ammo....I'll be using my side arm next....

  • Ens. Leslie "Freya" Willis

it wont come to that reamer..

  • Me

Hammers got them......

  • Ens. David "Wedge" Sangrey

Got 'em, CBDR down.

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