Jamie Bamber Q&A

Hello Colonials,

I have a special announcement to make to all of you.

I have been keeping this hush hush for a while till I all the scheduling was settled, but I'm happy to announce that next Wenesday May 19th at 500 pm (PST) Jamie Bamber will be participating in an online chat sponsored by Main Street Films.

Main Street is the studio that is producing Jamie's upcoming film "John Doe: Vigilante".

12578047501?profile=originalThe good folks at Main Street let me know they were putting together this event a few months back, but everyone wanted to make sure all the ducks were in a row....and now they are!

12578048066?profile=originalSo get online next week and participate! the link is: http://goo.gl/KoSldQ

So Say We All!


Shawn O'Donnell


Battlestar Galactica Fan Club


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  • This reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger on True Lies when he had to confess to his wife that yes he DID kill people.  "Have you killed people?"  "Yes, but they were all bad!"


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