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The Final Five (Spanish Version)

Fellow Colonials!
Tenemos ... además de nuestro Héroe weeky de Battlestar Galactica premio ... un par de anuncios importantes para hacer .... y tienen todo que ver con Cylons

El primer anuncio:
¿Te has preguntado si realmente fueras un Cylon? En la serie reimagined BSG, vimos varios tripulantes lucha con los miembros de una realización agonizante. El documental "We Are All Cylons" por Ilana Rein cineasta explora la fa retos ... ced por los personajes que descubrieron que no eran humanos. Ilana estará en GalactiCon 3 tendrá lugar un panel y mostrar clips de su película, así que vamos a tener un sorteo concurso en su honor. Comenzando inmediatamente después de este post, los próximos 5 personas que compran Membresías Plata obtener una copia gratuita de "We Are All Cylons" DVD!  
(Sólo 1 DVD por comprador).
Y la segunda:
Aviso Importante: Le estamos dando la oportunidad de ganar una actualización gratuita para todos los Miembros de Oro! Se llama The Final 5 Concurso de oro. Desde GalactiCon 3 será el anfitrión de todos los miembros de la Final 5, queremos hacer algo especial para ... celebrar. Cualquier persona que tenga una membresía Silver o que compra una membresía Silver de aquí al 15 de mayo tendrá su número de transacción colocado en un dibujo. El 15 de mayo, uno de los últimos cinco actores se basará 5 números de todos los Usuarios de plata. Los Silvers 5 se actualiza automáticamente a GOLD de forma gratuita y disfrutar de todos los beneficios de la membresía VIP Gold! Si usted es uno de los 5 mejorado y que había comprado más de una membresía Silver, usted tendrá la oportunidad de mejorar las compras de plata adicionales a Gold en su costo. price.) We will have more details as it gets closer to May 15th, so go get your Silver Membership now!"">(La diferencia entre el precio de la plata y el precio del oro.) Tendremos más detalles a medida que se acerca al 15 de mayo, así que ve a buscar tu Membresía Silver ahora!  
Buena suerte y buena caza!

Ir a Emissaries: Galacticon III
Ahora voy a hacer un punto aquí y en este momento que se le cayó al suelo con Ilana Rein "We Are All Cylons" ... en mi opinión, una debe tener para los fanáticos y BSG comprador plata primer Get 'Em gratis!
En cuanto a nuestro concurso Five final está preocupado ... membresías de Oro se han convertido en una parte súper exclusiva de este evento y en este momento no activamente a la venta, lo que lo hace aún más especial!
Más allá de todo eso, yo quiero enviar mis saludos a nuestros nuevos miembros ... ¡Bienvenidos Hermanos y hermanas a nuestra fiesta .... estamos contentos de tenerte entre la flota!
Ahora, por supuesto ... el premio!
show in the BSG franchise that tends to get a little less attention than the others...which is too bad because it has some very interesting qualities to was the series that first introduced "Human Cylons""">Hay un espectáculo determinado de la franquicia BSG que tiende a llamar la atención de un poco menos que los demás ... lo cual es una lástima, ya que tiene algunas cualidades muy interesantes ... era la serie que introdujo por primera vez "Cylons humanos" ...por ejemplo ... y también nos dio probablemente uno de los mejores "Classic" episodios titulada "El retorno de Starbuck".
Hoy el premio Héroe va a Kent McCord ... por su interpretación como Troy ... hijo de Apolo ... también conocido por el apodo ... Boxey!
Sólo una intensa voy a estar repitiendo este anuncio en español.
Así decimos todos!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

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The Final Five

Fellow Colonials!

We have...besides our weeky Hero of Battlestar Galactica award...a couple of MAJOR announcements to make....and they have everything to do with Cylons!

The first announcement:

Have you ever wondered if you were really a Cylon? In the BSG reimagined series, we watched several crew members struggle with an agonizing realization. The documentary “We Are All Cylons” by filmmaker Ilana Rein explores the challenges fa...ced by the characters that discovered they weren’t human. Ilana will be at GalactiCon 3 hosting a panel and showing clips of her film, so we are having a contest giveaway in her honor. Starting immediately after this post, the next 5 people who purchase Silver Memberships get a free copy of the “We Are All Cylons” DVD! (only 1 DVD per buyer).
and The second one:
Important Announcement: We are giving you a chance to win a free upgrade to the Gold Membership! It’s called The Final 5 Gold Contest. Since GalactiCon 3 will be hosting all members of the Final 5, we want to do something special to ...celebrate. Anyone who has a Silver Membership or who purchases a Silver Membership between now and May 15th will have their transaction number placed in a drawing. On May 15th, one of the Final 5 actors will draw 5 numbers out of all of the Silver Memberships. Those 5 Silvers will be automatically upgraded to GOLD at no charge and will enjoy all of the Gold Membership V.I.P benefits! If you are one of the 5 upgraded and you had purchased more than 1 Silver Membership, you will have the chance to upgrade those additional Silver purchases to Gold at your cost. (The difference between the Silver price and the Gold price.) We will have more details as it gets closer to May 15th, so go get your Silver Membership now! Good luck and Good Hunting!
Now I will make a point right here and right now that you will be knocked to the ground with Ilana Rein's "We Are All Cylons" my view a must have for BSG fans and those first Silver purchaser's get 'em free!
As far as our Final Five contest is concerned...Gold memberships have become a super exclusive part of this event and at this time not actively for sale, which makes this even more special!
Beyond all that, I DO want to send out my greetings to our newest members...welcome brothers & sisters to our party....we are glad to have you among the fleet!
Now of course...the award!
There is a certain show in the BSG franchise that tends to get a little less attention than the others...which is too bad because it has some very interesting qualities to was the series that first introduced "Human Cylons" for instance...and also handed us probably one of the very best "Classic" episodes entitled 'The Return of Starbuck".
Today the Hero award goes to Kent McCord...for his portrayal as Troy...son of Apollo...also known by the nickname...Boxey!
Just an FYI I will be repeating this announcement in Spanish as well.
So Say We All!
Shawn O'Donnell
Battlestar Galactica Fan Club
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           *************ATTENTION ALL RAVEN PERSONNEL AND PILOT WANNABES******************

The TOP GUN rules aboard the Raven is going to change here soon.  The following changes will take effect by June time frame to be fair enough to the pilots who have already taken their viper and raptor test, that are awaiting retest.   I believe retest is three months after one takes their first test.  It used to be 6 months.  Pilots can verify this with Admiral Rivera if needed.  I will post the date here sometime this week. This change will only affect future TOP GUN applicants.  These changes are set forth to make it more competitive and a lot harder becoming a TOP GUN aboard the Raven.  TOP GUNS are considering the BEST OF THE BEST.  THE ELITES amongst all the pilots in the fleet.  So it is fitting only that ONLY the best gets selected and earned that honor.

In order to become a TOP GUN from now on aboard the Raven, all future pilots and pilots wannabes must do the following:

1.  Download and take the Viper Test located on the Raven website at the following link:

Viper Test

2.  Upon completion of the test, please send your test to be graded to BFC Fleet Admiral Miguel Rivera at the following email:

3.  You must score a 100% first time around ONLY can become a TOP GUN member aboard the Raven.  Pilots who have taken their qualifications test before this new rule takes effect, are excempted from this rule.  Only scores of 100% 1st time around on the viper test are accepted to become a TOP GUN aboard the Raven.

With that said, Raven Pilots and Pilot Wannabes that have not taken their qualifications test, study hard.  For this rule will apply to you if you have not taken your qualifications test before this new rule takes effect.

Good hunting to all the pilots aboard the Raven.....ONLY the best pilots in the fleet gets to pilot aboard the Raven. The Raven is the Flagship Chapter of the growing BFC Fleet so she needs to set a very high standard amongst the others.  So let the fun begin.....I will also announce here shortly, a little competition amongst all the Squadrons in the Raven AirWing as my Executive Officer announce on the Raven Group Page on our mother site already......


~Raven Actual


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