Herb Jefferson Jr. interview

Herb Jefferson Jr.,better known as the original Boomer, will be at Trek fan days next month. He is very fan friendly so I thought I might try to get a short interview with him for the site. does anyone have particular questions they would like to have ask ?Herb Jefferson Jr. Pictures, Images and Photos
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  • Trek Fan days was a great show. I got to get my Enterprise signed by Shatner to go with the Nimoy signature on it. I also got a TJ Hooker pic of Herb Jefferson Jr. and Shatner double signed. I got the pic signed by Jefferson and later I noticed that he had a break in guest so I went back by his table and we spoke for about ten minutes and took a pic. I ask him what he thought about the possibility of a new Glen Larson BSG project and he stated that he feels it is to early to really form an opinion because you want to wait and see what happens with the project as far as the writing and casting go. He did say he would like to see Larson be able to tell the BSG story as he originaly intended it to be told.
  • Dallas Morning News video of the con.
    Herb was great and I will post a detailed account after I have slept. Dallas and back is a long trip from here.
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