Hello everyone,

Just a note to you all here regarding Richard Hatch's flagship site,

It has gone through many permutations and various changes..I was there for the inception of the site, the birth of it as it were.

That was back in the day of course...Michael Faries being the original webmaster.

But again, back in the please just fast forward to today.

The site is undergoing a lot of renovation, remodeling and general updating.

This is something that Richard has wanted to do for a while...and between myself, Richard, Dan Allan, Michael Schloer & Michael Wehrhahn I think that is happening.

A few months ago we set shoulder to wheel to make this mountain move & it is a'trembling.

I'm sure you are all familiar with myself, Richard & Dan...Michael Schloer is a proud member of this site & a very talented graphic artist & serves as our Secretary of Technology (see above graphics) while Michael Werhahn is a close confidant of Richards (wonderful guy) who has seen through the last few years.

Why am I telling you all this?

Very simply because we are all committed to bringing you the ultimate fan experience!

We are moving not only to upgrade but to further the growth of BSG-inspired sites across the spectrum & build them into a greater Galactica community.

Please take a look at the efforts already underway at & see for yourself.

May all our efforts meet with success!

So say we all!

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  • The site is looking good.
  • and the message board associated with it have needed revamping for years. I was one of those long time members, since the beginning, and have had to re-register a few times when the site had been hacked. I like the current improvements and I can't wait for the new site!
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