Back on the BS Raven

So I am  back on  the  BS  Raven  as  her communications officer and   back   really home  with the  Spartans viper  squadron and  I  am  very happy. I   miss  the  gunstar and  her   command  and  crew  but I  started off  here on  the  Raven  with the Spartans  so  its  good  to  be  back  home.  now  to do  the job I  was  promoted to  do and  get  things  rolling  on   everything  that is  need.  I  have  missed  you   Raven command  and  crew. It is  good  to  be  home.

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  • Jacobite,

    Welcome back aboard the Raven. I should be back soon in time for the BFC's 24th Anniversary.  Have fun using the new platform. It is still being worked on. 




    BFC President

    CO-Battlestar Raven-BFC-002

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