Seattle, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Birthday: February 5 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Viper Pilot
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Seattle, Washington
February 5
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Viper Pilot
I am a Fan of
Original Battlestar Galactica, Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, All
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Lt. Sheba
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Hay paul it's me Bill I don't know if you remember me but you left me come stay over the melenium
I live in England and was just wondering how you were doing
Your friend
Bill Marshall
Gold sqadron
Happy Birthday Paul!!!
Happy Birthday Paul! Regards, Paul Oakley
Happy Birthday Paul! So say we all!
Cheers to you! :)
Thanks, Paul. :)
thanks! great to be a part of it
And greetings back atcha! I'm loving this site. Please share any recommendations for where to look to get the best experience. I've been absorbing everything voraciously.
Thank you and salutations, as well!
Thank you!