Birthday: June 2 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Civilian
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June 2
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Gaius Baltar
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Shawn O'Donnell
Happy Birthday Leah!!! Thanks for making BSG a great show.
If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good cross over e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o) http://www.clashofcivilizations.co/
Happy Birthday Leah!!!! I hope you have a great day celebrating with family and friends!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Happy Birthday, Ms. Cairns. Nothing says it can't be a week long celebration. Thanks for coming down from BC to be a part of our favorite tv series. Keep the shiny side up and the skids side down, Racetrack. Regards, Paul
Happy Birthday,'Racetrack'! So Say We All!
Hi Racetrack,
Sorry I dropped the ball on this comment. I use spell check and I forgot to change the text back to white before I posted this reply to you at 5;02am on March 23, 2013. I was able to recover part of the comment and what I couldn’t I added it the best I could from my memory.
Original message as follows:
Hi Racetrack, It would be my pleasure to have such a dedicated pilot like your self join my group. BTW, I plan on having at least one Raptor attached to our squadron so everyone will be able to take it out for a spin. My favorite Raptor is the Assault version with all the missiles and extra weapons. Of course our Raptor will be painted the same as the Vipers in the awesome squadron logo that Raven Actual created for our group. If you check out the Flying Tiger's page at this link: http://www.battlestarraven-bfc-002.com/the-flying-tigers-squadron you will see that I am a dual pilot with the Raptor logo on my ID badge. Most of the pilots in my group are following me lead as well.
Lt Jg Reamer (In Your Service)
Hi Racetrack,
If you check out the Flying Tiger's page at this link: http://www.battlestarraven-bfc-002.com/the-flying-tigers-squadron you will see that I am a dual pilot with my senior wings. All my pilots are following my lead. Their flight status has not been updated yet. At some point I plan on having at least one Raptor attached to my squadron so we will all have a chance to fly it. It will be painted to match our emblem with a huge shark mouth on her.
BTW, I love the way you nuked the Cylons to save the Human Race and it would be my pleasure to have such a dedicated pilot join my squadron.
Lt Jg Reamer (In Your Service)
Welcome aboard the Raven Leah, it's great to have you join our crew. Someone mentioned your call sign is "Racetrack." Are you a pilot? We're always looking for a few more pilots on the Raven.
I'm the squadron leader of the "Flying Tiger's." The Raven has 5 Viper and 1 Raptor squadron to chose from.
Hi Leah! Yes I can tell you more.
Vancouver Fan Expo is the big convention in Western Canada. And for your information It's a city where the Battlestar Galactica fandom still alive and strong, the Vancouver BSG and Caprica Fan Club is one of the most active BSG local fan club in the world. It seems geeks, fans and nerds just pop-up from the wood there.
About Galacticon 3. My deep hope is to go, but for personnal issues, It's still totally hypothetical. As Canadian and active fan, I still hope to go.
You know Leah, your character was nice in BSG. Indeed you were one of the few Galactica pilot with full mental stability, and always there in your Raptor, during Recon missions, to be part of a wonderful discovery.
I am from Eastern Canada, so if you attend Canada Fan Expo, Ottawa or Montreal Comiccon, please let me know. It's good to see you here.