The premier Sci-fi/superhero/anime/comic event in the sandhills of NC is back again! This year,we welcome Tony Todd,the candyman himself,also worf's brother kurn from ST;TNG/DS9;And Butch Patrick,aka Eddie Munster to the all-american city! We also welcome the voice of pokemon's ash ketchum,veronica taylor;And,mark dodson,the voice of salacious crumb from return of the jedi and gremlins;And, comic book artists richard case,kirk lindo,kelly yates,and andy smith;Also,Tugg the wonder dog,in his last trip to the east coast;And, lots of indie artists,vendors,cosplay,demos,and tons of fun!

" If it's Geek,We got it!"

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  • Thank you, Keith!

  • We understand steven;Maybe someday,you'll be able to make it down south,and you'll be welcomed!

  • I wish I could attend this event to meet those I have not met in person and to personally support this even on site. My support goes to you all from New England. 

  • Thank you freya;We certainly try!

  • Commander Leonidas you always do great that this event. I can't wait to see what the Gunstar Trireme has in store, I know it will be great! If there is anything you need please let me know.

    LT. Freya

    Raven Ops

  • Thank you admiral;I was hoping that the producers could get some BSG guests this year,seeing that this is BSG's 40th;Well, he told me he would try...

  • What a great event with with so much going on.  Eddie Munster love that kids and his werewolf doll..L.  It will be great.  If you need anything give a hollar.  Be safe out there.

  • We understand,Raven Actual,and we thank you for your support;We will strive to be the best representative of the BFC,and the Raven battle group; So Say We All!

  • Will not be able to attend but will surely support from the distance.  The Raven Fleet will be behind our 1st Gunstar Escort.

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