Rockford, OH
Rockford, OH
Birthday: October 25 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Viper Pilot
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Rockford, OH
October 25
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Viper Pilot
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admiral adama
How do I go up in Rank I looking to Start a Chapter in Santa Fe, NM
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Welcome Aboard and enjoy your stay So Say We All.
Marcia Burns
thank you for the comment i sent you a friend request , how can i help this group?
Hi Major Ernie Thank you for allowing me aboard your Battlestar. Here in New Zealand ( BSG) is on Saturday night i'm watching it now as I type this to you. S3: Ep 11 . I love Battlestar Galactica & grew up watching the original. I built a Lego Battlestar . Its the actual Battlestar ship that's Brilliant. The attack on the colonies & the cylon's swipe on the colonial fleet is 1 of my all time favorite sequences. Overheard on Fleet Com line Alpha 'You Better Un Frak Yourself right God Damm now ! We have got Major inboard & they aren't carrying flowers. So Say We All .
Hi Iceman:
Glad to be aboard!
Mark "Themis" Voigt
Thank you for the welcome!! Greetings for all the fleet!
Thank you for the welcome Major.
Thank you for the welcome Ernie
Thanks for the greeting