Belton, MO
Belton, MO
Birthday: July 14 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Viper Pilot
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Belton, MO
July 14
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Viper Pilot
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Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
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Welcome to my old squadron Tank!
Actually, you're the second 'Tank' in the raven air wing;The other is A vet raptor driver.
Former squadron commander
Love the call sign Tank!
Welcome aboard the Raven, Jason! I'm sorry it took so long to get to introduce myself, but it's been a hectic week around here. I see in that time you have hit the ground running and that is great! We definitely need that kind of enthusiasm in the Raven Air Wing! Please acquaint yourself with the site, as it and it's links are a wealth of information to the Battlestar world. You'll also find some of the most helpful and kind people within our ranks, so reach out and make yourself known and get to know as many as possible. I am Lt. Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock and I am Commander of the Raven Air Wing, also Seekers Squadron Commander. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch. Once again, welcome aboard!
Hi Jason,
You can always take the Viper and Raptor exams and select a secondary bird. We have a member who primary is a Viper pilot but he takes out a raptor from time to time. The choice is yours!
Hi Jason, welcome aboard the Raven. I am Freya the Raven's Operations officer and one of the assistant squadron leaders for the Ravens only Raptor Squadron the Seekers. I see you are interested in flying Vipers. As Aeneas state that are 6 Viper squadrons and 1 Raptor Squadron. Take the time to get to know the site and make a decision on which squadron you want to join. The first order of business is to have fun! The Seekers are always looking for great pilots. If you are interested in trading in your Viper for a Raptor let me know. I look forward to flying with you soon.
Hello Jason, welcome to the Raven Air Wing and the BFC. I am Aeneas, squadron leader of Perseus, the 611th FS, flying the Viper mk vii. I am always in need of a new fighter jock. There are six Viper squadrons aboard the Raven, details can be found in the group section of this site. Or check out the Battlestarravenbfc-002 website. Whichever squadron you choose to fly with, have a lot of fun.
Remember to join the Raven group and your squadron group by clicking on their respective icons. Happy landings!
"Train hard, Strike hard! "
Aeneas, Squadron Leader 611thFS