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What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Colonial Marine
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Original Battlestar Galactica, Galactica 1980, Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
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Admiral Adama
Hello Chad, welcome to the Club and to the Raven Battle Group. Our Colonial Marine Detachments are under the command of the OIC who reports to Raven Actual. We have a contingent that will serve on the Battle Group Escort the Gunstar Trireme. The OIC is forming units in different geographic areas. Rob "Joker" Crane represents us with Club Members and at Cons in the UK for example. He also participates in creative discussions, and leads a Team in our monthly Main Chat Room Missions. Both Actual and the OIC believe in starting at entry level and earning promotions and assignments based on participation and contribution to the Groups. If you are interested in formally joining the Raven Battle Group MARDET, please accept my friend request for this site and message me on your ideas for participation and your FaceBook page. Check out our RCM FB site , and, if you haven't seen it yet, the BFC Main Site Raven Marines Group . Welcome aboard. Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, 1ST SERGEANT, NCOIC, Raven Colonial Marine Detachment
Not A Problem Chad! The Raven Marines are the Finest in the Fleet! We Know you'll be in good Hands!
Welcome Aboard!!
Welcome to the Fleet,Chad!
Just so you Know,the GUNSTAR TRIREME,part of the Raven Battle Group,Is Also in need of Marines; Why Not Join Us?
Trireme Actual