Hey guys, 

it looks like we might have a spammer on our hands, that needs to be airlocked :)

we just received this message: Good day,
I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on(bawuahbio22@gmail.com) for the full details.

Have a nice day.
Mrs.Abiola Bawuah.

and upon further googleing of her email address, found this person is quite well represented in all sorts of groups/pages/... and just sends the same message every time

just thought you should know

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  • So Say We All! Good news!

  • I just checked the member list and her name is no longer there. It seems as if she was Airlocked!!!!!

    SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!

  • It happened to me at the BFC yesterday. A new member by the name of Abiola. What she was offering sounded like it was a scam to gain access to my bank account.

  • PS: we do mean we received it via the BSGfanclub website, not just in our email inbox or whatever. It's an actual membe from this site who sent us this.

  • I was also offered to receive funds deposited by someone who is now deceased from this person that claimed she works for a Bank in Ghana. I said I wasn't related to the person and it wouldn't be correct for me to accept end then I ended our conversation.

  • Happened to get that as well, and an IM

  • if you just google the email addy, you see it's an obvious scam/spam :s 

  • I got one too! And even chatted with them on line here... they SWORE they were NOT a spammer/scammer. But still smelled like a Money Scam that you always hear about. And the pix they used are from this person's website. But I do think they should be investigated.

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