Hi I'm  huge BSG fan and also a member of Colonial Defense Forces.  I'm trying to recruit new Canadian members there to rebuild 11th Fleet (Canadian chapter) .  I'm also looking for fans that participate  to Toronto Fan Expo and Montreal Comic Con.  I'll be there with my duty blue uniform.

If you're one of those, send me a message so we can organize better the Canadian BSG fandom.

You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

Join The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club

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  • I am Canadian, but not living in Canada, so I can't help you out. Sounds like a lot of fun, though! Best of luck to you! :)

    • Well, if you're Canadian and you would like to participate in CDF and the 11th Fleet  you are welcome.  I lived for years outside of Canada.  The idea is to gather the fandom both virtually or in person (participating in events together wearing props and uniforms), The CDF is like the military mood simulation of the whole Fan Club, that's one of the reason why CDF is part of BFC, as far as I understand.  Anyway, Its quite hard to really gather all fans of the country for obvious reasons:  for me It's quicker and even cheaper to get to Miami then to get to Vancouver from Quebec; our country is just frakking large.

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