Centurion cylon

Here is my first attempt at making "Cylon Centurion" in 2011, for a LARP in France. 3 copies had been made but I simplified the design to make it easy to wear.

About the Cylon helmet here's a tutorial on how to mold it. the original sculpture is made Plastiline.


(in French, sorry).

I must repeat 6 copies of Cylon for another LARP in France in 2015.
So I reshape a Cylon helmet better and I'll improve the design of the costume to make it closer to the actual design of a Cylon.
I'll post it to you as. to be continued.

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  • Thanks! We'll have a look-see on the details later today!

  • old Battlestar Larp (2011)


    and news Larp 2015



  • That's cool! Good job on it :) let us know if there's any updates regarding the french bsg larp!

  • John David "Buzzsaw" Feagin said:

    Looks like you could suit up a platoon in full battle rattle!

    yes, we can. :D

    Where can I post about Battlestar LARP ?

  • Looks like you could suit up a platoon in full battle rattle!

    Good hunting!

    So say we all!


  • That is pretty cool!

    ~Raven Actual
    BFC Vice President
    Commanding Officer- Battlestar Raven BFC-002

  • John David "Buzzsaw" Feagin said:

    That's pretty cool! If nothing else, it'd be great body armor for Colonial Marines, Starship Troopers, Storm Troopers, etc. Looks like a bit of a Predator mix in there as well. VERY COOL! VERY WELL DONE! So say we ALL!



    John David (Buzzsaw) Feagin

    oh, I also did the starship trooper armor for LARP:


  • That's pretty cool! If nothing else, it'd be great body armor for Colonial Marines, Starship Troopers, Storm Troopers, etc. Looks like a bit of a Predator mix in there as well. VERY COOL! VERY WELL DONE! So say we ALL!



    John David (Buzzsaw) Feagin

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