Yesterday i was watching TV and saw that BSG was coming on, I moved over to the show and hit info to see which one was playing, to my shock this is what i saw on the screen, i don't know about you but i was insulted.



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  • actually i think the original and only BSG had superior writing. they didn't use nukes in a society that was supposed to be above that for one. and before it's mentioned, i have been very vocal in the fact that i hate moore's version.
  • Sounds like someone at the Cable company there doesn't like the reimaged BSG there or BSG in general.


    James Cecil

    Caprica Delagate


    • actually they don't like the original and only BSG. it burns me up when i see that about Larson's BSG.
  • Isn't there a way to really let them know how wrong it looks for them as a company to show comments like that in a tv guide???

    I KNOW i would cancel my subs with them if I saw that.
    • wish i knew. the only thing i could think of would be to write to their corporate offices.
  • The frakers that wrote that need to be airlocked. With all the crap that's on TV now a days, they have the gall to call BSG a flop. They must be Cylons.



    • Frakin skin jobs
  • charter has the same thing up on their tv guide. noone has a clue as to how great BSG was and still is. it stands the test of time due to well written characters, good stories that built on one another and yet left more to the imagination.
  • i would close my account with that provider, and went to see then with a hundred kilo of tomatos//


    frak them, 

  • Frakkers.
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