
The Premier Con of the Sandhills is back and bigger! This year,we have the honor of hosting Capt. Bojay himself: JACK STAUFFER! He will be chairing A BSG panel that weekend,and be greeting guests and giving autographs!

In Addition,Comic Book Legends LARRY HAMA and BRIAN SHEARER of G.I. JOE fame will be in the Crown; Speaking of 'Joes' we'll have A Joe on the premises as well: SERGEANT SLAUGHTER,Wrestler and Actor,Along with one of the Four Horsemen,ARN ANDERSON; And, COLIN CANTWELL,the Designer of both the Death Star and the X-Wing Fighter for Star Wars.

Also, The WALKING DEAD Reunion, and The POWER RANGERS.

There will also be A Lip Sync Battle,Sketch Slam,Nerd Slam,Geek Speed Dating,Trivia,Cosplay,Vendors, and more fun that you can shake A stick at!

GUNSTAR TRIREME,The first escort of the RAVEN BATTLE GROUP will be welcoming fellow warriors to Fayetteville,and telling the tale of the BFC.

Set your Jump co-ordinates for the Crown Expo Center this fall!

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