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  • Thank you Admiral Rivera! I am on the mend and will be back to normal soon. I am just bummed that I got injured the month before Comicpalooza and I cannot attend now.

  • Sorry to hear that Freya i hope you get well son and the doc clears you for full duty.  Do your best not to be a sick bay commando :)  Be safe.

  • Doc Cottle has not released me to fly my raptor yet so I am grounded until further notice. I cannot wait to see all of the photos and live videos on facebook! I hope everyone has a great time and I will see everyone next year!.

  • Photos are always great too look at.  I don't do drooling though unless its a big steak medium well with plenty of gravy and mashed potatoes...L!    Hi Joseph great meeting you that last i was there.  Hopefully the colonial cubits i gave you came in handy.  Be safe have a great time!

  • i am going

  • I wish you can Miguel!  But we have already talked about why you won't be able too.  You are just going to have to drool over all the photos LOL 

  • Everyone have a great time there. :)

  • 2504603432?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

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