Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN
Birthday: September 22 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Atlantia
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Nashville, TN
September 22
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Admiral Adama
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Just a friendly reminder. I previously mentioned to some of you that the computers are all fried at my place of employment, and I have been using a family computer to do all welcoming and posting on the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club site during the Christmas and New Year holidays. This will not be the case when the holidays are over, so after New Year, I will not be able to welcome, greet, and support new members of the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club or the Battlestar Atlantia, at least not in a timely and consistent fashion. We do not want for anybody to be or feel left out or slighted, so please respond accordingly.
It's a great club, and I'll try to visit and check it out when I can, but my timely and consistent participation can not be guaranteed as of New Years.
John David Feagin
Thanks for the invite, Chief. just let me know exactly where to look, and any insight I have will be yours...
Hey, Chief! Just thought you'd like to know. There's a new guy here named George T Butler who is also interested in Engineering stuff related to Battlestar Galactica. Y'all should hit it off well. His contact info is...
Take care, Chief, and good hunting in all of your endeavors. So say we all!
John David Feagin
Thanks, Matt. Geekgirl likey! Yay for the color purple.You know the actual hue, not the movie.Well, of course the movie too. I'm rambling."
Chief, just want you to know you're doing a great job! Good hunting today.
Hey, Chief! If you'd like, you can also post some of the same stuff you post in the Atlantia's Engineering Dept here at the club's School of Engineering! That way everybody can get a look if they don't drop by the Atlantia. http://battlestarfanclub.com/group/battlestar-galactica-engineering...
You've got lots of great info. Only share when you have time though. It needs to be a fun project of love, not a burden.
Good hunting Chief! Great work!
John David Feagin
Hey, Chief! Looks great! Yes, post in the Atlantia's Engineering section, as well as the Battlestar Galactica School of Engineering secion on the home page, and also, just for kicks go for it on the discussion forums too! Thanks for help recruiting for the Atlantia too...It'll help with the dialong and role playing to have more active recruits involved. I do try to promote the Atlantia as much as is "appropriate," but have to remain neutral too for fairness sake.
Good hunting and happy posting Chief! The more the merrier!
John David Feagin
Hey, Matt! I was recently have been assigned to the Battlestar Fan Club's equivalent of Wal-Mart Greeter, welcoming new members aboard and trying to help them get settled in. I've noticed that the Battle Star Raven is recruiting very heavily. I have to try to stay neutral and not promote one group over an other, so if you or someone else there could watch closely and send a copy and paste invitation to the Battlestar Atlantia to the new comers, it woud help out greatly...The Atlantia needs more participation, and thus needs more members to be posting.
Anyway, just an idea. IF you have spare time and are interested, the Battlestar Atlantia could use some active recruiting. I check the members section every morning. The newest are the top ones. It's easy to send invites to them until you run into some older members or members already affiliated with a Battlestar.
I do intend to mention the Atlantia, the Raven and the Titan in future welcome messages. It's a sure bet the Raven will be actively jumping in and recruiting, so the Atlantia needs some one to actively recruit, especially while the Admiral's out doing real world duties.
John David Feagin
Okay, just one more thing for now and I’ll leave you alone. In case you have never seen this, it’s pretty cute:
Totally agreed 100,000% The Federation stuff is mostly for exploration with defense only added as a secondary consideration. Their hulls are much thinner too from the designs I’ve seen. Yes, that makes total sense-You can’t just jump into uncharted territory…Yes, space is vast, but there’s still stuff out there…Jump into the wrong spot and you’re in the middle of an asteroid or space junk, or a sun, a moon, a comet, or what ever.
Also, I do remember that the Cylon heavy raiders were able to jump much greater distances because of their calculation abilities. That’s why Starbuck was able to get back to Caprica so fast, and later with Cylon help, the raptor rescue mission to Caprica just took a handful of jumps rather than a bazillion which they had made to get to their “present” location. Really it does make lots of sense, you would have to not only have everything charted out very well, but you would also have to factor in the orbits of EVERYTHING that could be involved…especially if jumping close to the planet or else…just one teenincy gravitational disturbance has just one teenincy thing in slightly the wrong spot…and SPLAT!!!! The most interesting to happen to you that whole day! Especially since it was your last!
Hey, you take care, Chief! Good hunting, and as the Klingons would say “Kapla!” (Success!)
John David Feagin
PS…I still like the Beavis and Butthead spin on Star Trek the Yuppie Generation…”Number one, I command you to go and take a number two!”