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What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Viper Pilot
I am a Fan of
Original Battlestar Galactica, Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
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Capt. Apollo
Hi New Members. So now you've joined the Fan Club, and maybe you've expressed an interest in joining a Ship or Chapter or interest Group, like the Raven. May I suggest you consider formally joining a Fan Club sub-group, like "Battlestar Raven - BFC 002" or another Group. They're all on the list of 57 interest groups under "Groups" in the bar below the Club logo. Joining the Raven Group provides internal communications for Raven Chapter Members. Then if you like the Marine Detachment or one of the Squadrons or other Raven Teams you can join those departments within the Raven Group or any other. Any Group you join will show up on your home page and you can link to it there. You will also receive notices on your personal email when anything new is posted on your member Groups. You should only join one Ship, but you can usually join as many interest Groups as you wish. It's a very detailed and compartmentalized system, but once you get the hang of it the layout makes sense. You should know that many Groups will take time to post you to their Group. And BFC and Chapter Leadership usually enter new Members at lower rank until time, performance and completed requirements merit an advance in rank. The main thing is ask any member questions anything that interests you. We're glad to help since we're all here for the fun and friendship. Where else can you fly Viper missions or gear up and go hand to gland with some toasters? Enjoy. Regards, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, 1st SGT, NCOIC, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment.
Hey look I have an 'Archangel' on my shoulder!!
I like the call sign. Is there a story behind it?
BTW, to join the squadron, simply go to:,and click on the 'join group' button on the upper right
Welcome to the raven battlegroup,Kayden!
You have my blessing to join spartan squadron;However, I am no longer in command of the squadron or the air wing; My current command is of the gunstar trireme,the raven's first escort; When you undertake your first training flight, you will see us off raven's port bow; 'Nat' is your squadron commander.
However, if you need my advice,or want to talk, bang on my hatch anytime!
Welcome to the fleet! So say we all!
Hi Kayden, welcome to the Raven Air Wing and the BFC. I am Aeneas, squadron leader of Perseus the 611th FS flying the Viper mkVII. I am always in need of a new fighter jock. You can check out the squadrons in the groups section or in the battlestarravenbfc-002 website. Whichever squadron you choose to fly with, have lots of fun. Remember to join the Raven group and your chosen squadron group.
If you need any further assistance please ask. Happy landings!
Aeneas, Squadron Leader, Perseus Sqdn.
Welcome aboard the Raven Kayden. I am Freya the Raven's Operations officer and one of the assistant squadron leaders for the Raven's only Raptor squadron The Seekers. I see you are interested in Flying Vipers. We always need great pilots. The Raven is home to 6 Viper Squadrons and 1 Raptor Squadron. Take the time to get to know the site and you can select a squadron and call sign. If you decide you want to trade your Viper in for a Raptor let me know. I look forward to flying with you soon.
Good Hunting!