Baldwin, MD
Baldwin, MD
Birthday: May 1 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven
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Baldwin, MD
May 1
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
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Shawn Williams
If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good cross over e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o) http://www.clashofcivilizations.co/
From Your Fellow Pilots:
As you can read on the Fan Club site and page, the Raven is preparing for a mission on the evening of 22 February. The Raven Marine Detachment (MARDET) will participate as a planet-side sapper operation comprised of two Teams in two Raptors each. Team One will be under my lead, Team Two will be under Master Sergeant "Boogman" Sardeson.The mission will take place on the Club site main chat room, time to be determined. This is an invitation to members of Raven MARDET to participate. If interested, please contact me or Boogman. These scenarios usually cover an hour or so of real time. Everyone in our Detachment is welcome.
Sgt Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, NCOIC, Raven MARDET
Raven Marines: When it absolutely positively has to be destroyed overnight.
Welcome aboard, glad to see you in the MARDET. You may want to look at the Group site:
It's where a lot of comm between and about our ship and shipmates is posted.
Look forward to working with you.
Regards, Paul
Welcome aboard the Battlestar Raven Jeffrey, it's great to have you join our crew. You have chosen well by joining the Raven Colonial Marines and Raven Security. Both of these groups are the finest in the fleet.
I'm Lt Reamer, squadron leader of the Flying Tiger's aboard the Raven. I look forward to your protecting our Vipers so they are able to launch when ever the call is sounded. I'm positive that you will have a great time with us!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !