Jackson, Ohio
Jackson, Ohio
Birthday: August 24 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Gunstar Trireme What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Raptor Pilot
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Jackson, Ohio
August 24
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
Gunstar Trireme
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Raptor Pilot
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Athena Adama
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Thank you for your friend request and welcome to the BFC.
Welcome to the fleet, Trireme and the BFC, Glendon.
Aeneas, squadron commander Perseus Squadron
Welcome to the BFC Glendon! If there is anything you might need, just don't hesitate to asked me or anyone of my staff here.
As long as you're not A Cylon, LOL
All of that is Correct!
That is Correct; As an Escort Vessel,We are not Allowed Viper Squadrons(Even though they can land and Take off here);We Do Actually have A Raptor Detachment,The 'Gremlins'
We also have A Few standard Fleet Shuttles.
Oh, My Personal E Mail is kranson@nc.rr.com
Well, Here's the 'Hero' Picture of The Trireme,Did By Our President,Admiral Dragonlady Over Five years ago:
The Trireme Is A Cygnus Class Gunstar/Escort,A Standard throughout the Fleet; Our Sister Ship is the Gunstar United Kobol(GSR-0202),Crewed by our Branch Chapter in the UK;I was told that A Third Gunstar Chapter was Under Construction A Few Years back;However,At this Time, I cannot Ascertain it's Current Status; To Gather More Detailed Information on the Class,You can go to Our Chapter Page: Battlestarfanclub.com/group/gunstar-trireme-gsr-0201; Most Pertinent Information is in the Discussion Forums;And, You can Google 'Battlestar Galactica Cygnus Class Gunstar' And you will find other pages with information on the Class;However,Don't just use any and All of the Information you see;Our Leadership are Sticklers for Canon.
The Battlestar Raven(BFC-002), The Flagship of the BFC Fleet,I Served on as CAG for 3 Years;I Helped Establish, Name,and Organize Her Air Wing; The Raven is A Mercury Class Battlestar,Same Class as The Pegasus.
You Can look up all kinds of Information on the Mercury Class;However, at Conventions,We have A Huge Model of the Raven we call the Raven Beast! It's The Crown Jewell of The BFC Table!
Well, That's All I Have For Now;As you can Tell, Not A Lot is Going on with the Pandemic still causing Havoc;However, we hope things will get moving again in A Year or So,Lords of Kobol Willing..
Well, What do you have in mind? If it's Original,then it shouldn't be a problem.
Welcome aboard Glendon.