Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Civilian What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? RDM Humanoid Cylon Model
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Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
RDM Humanoid Cylon Model
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Reimagined Battlestar Galactica, Caprica, Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome
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Admiral Adama
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If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o) http://www.clashofcivilizations.co/
Welcome aboard Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and aboard Battlestar Raven! Ahhhh an Engineer! My kinda person...I started out as an Engineer so this position is very special to me. ;-)
If you ever need anything, let me know and do not hesitate to leave me a message on my page here. I am only a few types away and I will be glad to help you.
Take care and I hope you enjoy the site and what it has to offer. :-)
Greetings from across the Pond,
The BFC is similar to Facebook in that you can click on anyone's avatar and it will take you to their page. You can also search for members by typing their name in the search box.
In the virtual world of the BFC; it's a piece of cake to be a Viper pilot. My squadron the Flying Tiger's, the Spartan squadron and other members of the Raven perform mock missions in the Forum Chat area on the home page here. It's a lot of fun and of course we never get shot down.
You in the UK are 5 to 6 hours ahead of my time zone and it would be difficult for you to join us. Our missions usually start at 10:PM EST, although we have morning missions now and then for our European members to join us. My squadron is multinational. Most of my pilots are spread out across the US, but I have one pilot from Spain, Hungary, the Netherlands, Turkey and one from the UK.
Your membership is what you make of it and of course I would never force anyone to do something they don't want to do. Many members are involved in Cos-play and attend the comic conventions dressed like their favorite BSG characters. Many of us build models and perform our missions. The main thing is to have fun with other fans of our favorite TV show, Battlestar Galactica.
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Welcome to the Battlestar Fan club (BFC) Euclidselements, it's great to have you join the club!!!
I see that your favorite BSG character is Admiral Adama. I’m a fan of both Old and New Galactica and my favorite character is Starbuck from both series. When it comes to Cylon skin jobs, I’m partial to the 6’s and the 8’s.
I see you joined the BFC as a civilian. If you’re ever interested in becoming a Viper pilot you couldn’t have come to a better place than the BFC.
The Battlestar Raven has one Raptor and six Viper squadrons at this time. You can check all of them out at this link: http://battlestarfanclub.com/groups/group/listByLocation?location=B... Presently the Spartan, Perseus, Hammer, Minotaur and Blackstar squadrons are shorthanded and are looking for pilots. Blackstar squadron is the first Classic Only Viper squadron aboard the Battlestar Raven. This might be a group you would like to join.
I am Captain Reamer of the Flying Tiger's squadron aboard the Battlestar Raven. I am always looking for a few more Viper pilots to join my group as well.
If flying a Viper isn’t your style, the Raven has many alternatives. You could join The Marines, Engineering, Security, Sick Bay and more. Take a look at the Ravens web site at this link: www.battlestarraven-bfc-002.com Click on Ship Departments to see everything the Raven has to offer; you’ll be glad you did!!!!! The choice is entirely up to you.
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Double Tank Top Undershirts:
Cheapest Tees Home Page:
Gray Under Layer:
Black Second Layer:
**Shadowdale Uniforms From BOTH Original And Reimagined Versions:
(These folks are higher end and take longer, but have good stuff).
ALSO...Viper Pilot Flight Suit:
If you, or anyone you know, are interested in obtaining BSG Uniforms and suiting up for the next Galacticon, event, You-Tube movie, vanity pics, etc., please check these links out:
Reimagined Series Uniforms, Rank Badges, etc.
Alchemy Arms Home Page:
Reimagined GREEN BDU Shirt:
Reimagined Khaki BDU Shirt:
Black BDU Shirt (Colonial Marines):
Senior Officer/XO Blues (Includes Shirt And Pants):
Commander Blues (Includes Shirt And Pants):
(These are custom made and take more time, so you may want to call and get a time estimation on them)
Senior Officer/Admiral Blues (Includes Shirt And Pants):
Pins And Badges For Rank Insignia:
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Hello, Euclidselemnets, and WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club! It's a great club, and we all hope you really enjoy it. It's the most fun if everybody participates, so please post and boast on the forums and discussions, (and meet new friends who share a common interest) as well as check out all of the groups you can participate in. (Just look up at the top bar and pick Groups.) There are battlestars eager for you to sign up, as well as squadrons, you name it, even Pyramid and Cylon stuff! Lots of the groups are into discussing certain topics, while others are into role playing, so just check it out and find what interests you the most. Feel free also to start your OWN groups, topics, blogs, discussions, etc. The more who participate the more fun it is for all.
Okay, again WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club. SO SAY WE ALL!!!!
John David Feagin
I'm Ernie Miller and as the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club Administrator of Colonial Affairs, I welcome you on behalf of the leadership of the BFC.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you on the site.
Ernie Miller
Hi New Member. So now you've joined the Fan Club, and maybe you've expressed an interest in joining a Ship or Chapter or interest Group, like the Raven. May I suggest you consider formally joining a Fan Club sub-group, like "Battlestar Raven - BFC 002" or another Group. They're all on the list of 57 interest groups under "Groups" in the bar below the Club logo. Joining the Raven Group provides internal communications for Raven Chapter Members. Then if you like the Marine Detachment or one of the Squadrons or other Raven Teams you can join those departments within the Raven Group or any other. Any Group you join will show up on your home page and you can link to it there. You will also receive notices on your personal email when anything new is posted on your member Groups. You should only join one Ship, but you can usually join as many interest Groups as you wish. It's a very detailed and compartmentalized system, but once you get the hang of it the layout makes sense. The main thing is ask any member questions on anything that interests you. We're glad to help since we're all here for the fun and friendship. Where else can you fly Viper missions or gear up and go hand to gland with some toasters? Enjoy. Regards, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, Battlestar Raven Colonial Marine Detachment.
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Welcome aboard Euclidselements Glad you've joined the Club. You're in with a great group. The Fan Club organization is very spread out, covering a lot of subjects, activities and options. Take some time and explore the nooks and corners of the site, it's well worth the effort. You'll find groups that share your interests and members always ready to help. You may want to consider formally joining the Raven or another ship and a support department, or one of the Squadrons as a pilot, and certainly the Colonial Marine Detachment. Then you can see that link on your page and take part in our discussions Don't hesitate to ask questions. Enjoy. See you on deck. Regards, Paul "Iceworm" Oakley, Battlestar Raven Marine Detachment