The 1st, Oldest, Premier, LLC BSG Club
Minden, LA
Birthday: August 8
Al "Old Hickory" Bartraw
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If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good cross over e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o)
Are You Spartan Enough?
I just wanted to welcome you aboard BFC and the Tiger Claw. If there is anything you might need along the line, please let one of us know.
Again, welcome aboard.
August 8
Referred by
Beau T. Thacker
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If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good cross over e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o)
Are You Spartan Enough?
I just wanted to welcome you aboard BFC and the Tiger Claw. If there is anything you might need along the line, please let one of us know.
Again, welcome aboard.