Here are a couple more photos for your collection. The large Viper is an 8 x 10 Jpeg image. It can be saved here in your photos, printed and framed, or just saved on your computer. Also here's an image of your assigned Finger Four Formation with the Flying Tigers Squadron. I printed my * x 10 Viper on glossy photo paper and it looks Great!!!
If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o)
Everyone is welcome to join this mission if you have earned your wings or not. The mission will take place in the Forum Chat Area on the home page at the BFC tonight 9-28-2013 at 10:PM EST. If you haven't participated in one of our missions before it's very simple. Login to the BFC, place your cursor on Forum in the tool bar and then click on chat and you're all set. This is where all mission take place.
There is no need to refresh your browser and you don't have to watch the page the battle is on during the mission. All you have to do follow along, type your comment in the small rectangular box at the bottom and press enter and that's it!!!!!
This is very special CAP and the first of its kind. Bunny will be taking my position in Flight 1. She will be leading us into battle, identify the type and amount of Raiders (Goldie’s, Standard, and Heavy IE Turkey’s) we will encounter during this mission.
This is the basic scenario for tonight’s CAP:
The Raven has made several jumps since the destruction of the secret Cylon Lab on the dwarf planet. The Cylons are desperately searching for the Raven in every sector possible to make us pay for destroying their Lab and disrupting their experimentation. The Cylons will not stop until the Raven is eliminated.
If we encounter any Raiders, we must perform a complete extermination and not let any of them escape. They will be sending their best and we must be ready or face certain destruction.
“Attention” Tiger’s “Attention” Spartan squadron is about to complete their CAP. The Flying Tiger’s are up next. This is not a standard CAP like all the others we have performed. The Cylons are searching the entire universe to make us pay for destroying their secret laboratory. Our whole squadron will be launching as soon as the Spartan squadron returns to the Raven.
There is no telling what we will encounter out there today. It could be Basestar’s, a hand full of Raiders, or possibly nothing at all. We’re not taking any chances, so along with our standard munitions; each of us will be packing two nukes.
Any questions? Prepare to launch on the Port Flight Deck!!!!!
Good Hunting!!!!! SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! ! LT Reamer
Welcome to the Flying Tiger's Squadron SnakeEyes! ! ! !
Here's your very own Viper Name Plate. When you complete your Viper exam I will add your Viper tail number to your VNP and post it in the VNP discussion inside the Flying Tiger's group page here at the BFC.
With out a Doubt,You Will Be in Good Hands Here! Your Squadron Commander,Lt. Barstow, Will Fill you in On Taking Your Qualification Test, And Getting You Started in General.
If you or any you know are interested in Battlestar Galactica uniforms from the Re-Imagined series, here are several to pick from. I got a flight suit and Commander’s blues from these folks a few years ago. Not bad for the price. You can modify at will.
If you or any you know are interested in higher end quality uniforms from both TOS and Re-Imagined Battlestar Galactica, these folks have lots of really good stuff:
ALSO...If you are into making models and the like, please let me know and I can help you find people who are into that as well in the Battlestar Fan Club.
Hello Christopher, and WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club! It's a great club, and we all hope you really enjoy it. It's the most fun if everybody participates, so please post and boast on the forums and discussions, (and meet new friends who share a common interest) as well as check out all of the groups you can participate in. (Just look up at the top bar and pick Groups. There are battlestars eager for you to sign up, as well as squadrons, you name it, even Pyramid and Cylon stuff! Lots of the groups are into discussing certain topics, while others are into role playing, so just check it out and find what interests you the most. Feel free also to start your OWN groups, topics, blogs, discussions, etc. The more who participate the more fun it is for all.
Okay, again WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club. SO SAY WE ALL!!!!
What's up Ens SnakeEyes?
Here are a couple more photos for your collection. The large Viper is an 8 x 10 Jpeg image. It can be saved here in your photos, printed and framed, or just saved on your computer. Also here's an image of your assigned Finger Four Formation with the Flying Tigers Squadron. I printed my * x 10 Viper on glossy photo paper and it looks Great!!!
Good Hunting!!!
If you are interested, Clash Of Civilizations is a good e-book for Battlestar Galactica and Star Trek. It does have adult content though, so not for the kiddies. Good reading! So say we all! :o)
Happy Birthday SnakeEyes! Regards, Paul
Hi Ensign SnakeEyes,
Everyone is welcome to join this mission if you have earned your wings or not. The mission will take place in the Forum Chat Area on the home page at the BFC tonight 9-28-2013 at 10:PM EST. If you haven't participated in one of our missions before it's very simple. Login to the BFC, place your cursor on Forum in the tool bar and then click on chat and you're all set. This is where all mission take place.
There is no need to refresh your browser and you don't have to watch the page the battle is on during the mission. All you have to do follow along, type your comment in the small rectangular box at the bottom and press enter and that's it!!!!!
This is very special CAP and the first of its kind. Bunny will be taking my position in Flight 1. She will be leading us into battle, identify the type and amount of Raiders (Goldie’s, Standard, and Heavy IE Turkey’s) we will encounter during this mission.
This is the basic scenario for tonight’s CAP:
The Raven has made several jumps since the destruction of the secret Cylon Lab on the dwarf planet. The Cylons are desperately searching for the Raven in every sector possible to make us pay for destroying their Lab and disrupting their experimentation. The Cylons will not stop until the Raven is eliminated.
If we encounter any Raiders, we must perform a complete extermination and not let any of them escape. They will be sending their best and we must be ready or face certain destruction.
Lt Reamer
Tonight’s Briefing:
“Attention” Tiger’s “Attention”
Spartan squadron is about to complete their CAP. The Flying Tiger’s are up next. This is not a standard CAP like all the others we have performed. The Cylons are searching the entire universe to make us pay for destroying their secret laboratory. Our whole squadron will be launching as soon as the Spartan squadron returns to the Raven.
There is no telling what we will encounter out there today. It could be Basestar’s, a hand full of Raiders, or possibly nothing at all. We’re not taking any chances, so along with our standard munitions; each of us will be packing two nukes.
Any questions? Prepare to launch on the Port Flight Deck!!!!!
Good Hunting!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
LT Reamer
Hi Ensign SnakeEyes,
I have made you the secondary element leader of the Flying Tiger's Finger Four Formation Flight 4. Ensign GreyWolf has been made leader of Flight 4.
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
Welcome to the Flying Tiger's Squadron SnakeEyes! ! ! !
Here's your very own Viper Name Plate. When you complete your Viper exam I will add your Viper tail number to your VNP and post it in the VNP discussion inside the Flying Tiger's group page here at the BFC.
Good Hunting!!!!!!
SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !
With out a Doubt,You Will Be in Good Hands Here! Your Squadron Commander,Lt. Barstow, Will Fill you in On Taking Your Qualification Test, And Getting You Started in General.
Good Hunting!
Also, Christopher;
If you or any you know are interested in Battlestar Galactica uniforms from the Re-Imagined series, here are several to pick from. I got a flight suit and Commander’s blues from these folks a few years ago. Not bad for the price. You can modify at will.
Main Page:
Flight Suit:
Commander’s Uniform:
Officer’s Uniform:
Number 6’s Red Dress:
If you or any you know are interested in the Original Series uniforms these folks have some good and affordable uniforms and props:
If you or any you know are interested in higher end quality uniforms from both TOS and Re-Imagined Battlestar Galactica, these folks have lots of really good stuff:
Main Page:
ALSO...If you are into making models and the like, please let me know and I can help you find people who are into that as well in the Battlestar Fan Club.
Okay have fun and GOOD HUNTING!
John David Feagin
Hello Christopher, and WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club! It's a great club, and we all hope you really enjoy it. It's the most fun if everybody participates, so please post and boast on the forums and discussions, (and meet new friends who share a common interest) as well as check out all of the groups you can participate in. (Just look up at the top bar and pick Groups. There are battlestars eager for you to sign up, as well as squadrons, you name it, even Pyramid and Cylon stuff! Lots of the groups are into discussing certain topics, while others are into role playing, so just check it out and find what interests you the most. Feel free also to start your OWN groups, topics, blogs, discussions, etc. The more who participate the more fun it is for all.
Okay, again WELCOME to the Battlestar Fan Club. SO SAY WE ALL!!!!
John David Feagin