Morristown, TN
Morristown, TN
Birthday: April 1 Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW Raven What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship? Raptor Pilot
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Morristown, TN
April 1
Join the BFC Fleet Enlist NOW
What do you want to be aboard your chosen ship?
Raptor Pilot
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Hello Brian! Welcome to the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and aboard the Battlestar Raven, the Flagship Chapter of the BFC. Here on the Raven, you can be whatever you want to be- a Viper pilot, a Marine or a Raptor Pilot. It does not matter. It is whatever you like. I prefer to ride in a raptor when galloping across the galaxy. But I also fly a viper. I am with the Spartan Squadron! I am pretty good at both. ;-)
If there is anything you need, just let your Seekers Squadron Leader know. He will take care of you. :-)
Once again, WELCOME! :-)
"As Raven Colonial Marine, I don't leave the Raven often, but when I do, I prefer to do it on a Raptor.....especially if it is a Seekers Raptor. Seekers rock. OOHRAH !"
Almost forgot...be thinking of a callsign for yourself.
welcome to the seekers
Welcome to the fleet Brian. A bit disappointed you wish to fly Raptors instead of the Viper but you will find the Seekers a great team to fly with.
611th FS (Perseus)
Brian, i'll send a friend request...after you accept, i'll send you the info for the process.
Welcome to the BFC, Brian! I see your field of interest is raptor pilot. You should consider joining the Raven's elite raptor squadron, The Seekers, if you want to fly with the best of the best. For any further details, contact Wedge, Freya, or myself and we'll help you get started. I am Lt JG Michael "Mik Mo" Morelock, Seekers squadron commander....have a great day!
Welcome to the Club Brian. Enjoy.
Welcome to the Fleet,Brian!
Just so You Know, The GUNSTAR TRIREME is Looking for Raptor Pilots!
Why Not Join Us?
Be A Part of the GREMLINS!
Trireme Actual
Welcome Aboard!! I am Ens Leslie "Freya" Willis and I am one of the squadron assistants for the Ravens Most elite and active Raptor Squadron the Seekers. Our commanding officer is Lt. JG M "Mik Mo" Morlock. Please feel free to reach out to him with any questions and you can join the Seekers group. We love to have another Raptor pilot aboard.