Hi all,



We've been youtube browsing and trying to find some epic BSG trailers and homemade clips.  Have you seen anything that blew your mind?  Post us a reply below and let us know!!


Here are some videos to entertain:

1.) To begin, let us share this video done by our channel.  It's more lighthearted and fun so we hope you'll enjoy it!!



2.) The following 2 videos are done by other youtubers which we have enjoyed very much:



3.) This has all the farks:



If you're a big fan of BSG and you live in South East Asia, we can play BSG directly on your TV!! 


For more, check us out at:

www.youtube.com/watchTHRILL or www.youtube.com/watchKIX (for action film lovers). 

We look forward to hearing from you.


You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

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    I love this fan made video. I tend to lean on the side of action and use of Bear Mc Creary's original music. Don't know if it blows my mind, but it's definitely a favorite to revisit.


    Adama returns to save those on New Caprica. The music begins on the original timeline of this uncut clip from that episode's scene.


    Vipers break formation with Cat's "On my mark...Now Now Now!" Raptors then coordinate their "On my mark!" release of two different sets of individual drones, two different directions. The dratus/radar signatures within each set of drones merge to form a single very large signature as the decoys, and are detected as two Battlestar contacts on the Cylons' dratus and distracts them.

    Somewhere off in the cosmos is the Galactica, and while the Cylons are distracted, and In order to avoid detection and a shootout, Adama jumps the Galactica directly into New Caprica's atmosphere for a kick ass fiery re-entry free fall through the sky.  A crewman monitoring the ship's decent yells, "Hundred Thou Falling Like a Rock!". A few seconds more, Adama gives the order to launch Vipers, and they make a dramatic exit from Galactica's launch bays during a fiery free fall. The Galactica then jumps away before slamming into the ground - killing themselves, everyone they came to save, the Cylons there, and probably every other living thing on the planet. :-)

    Now having jumped into New Caprica's orbit, Adama soon realizes the Cylons just happened to be having a family reunion that day - to top it off they were all arriving at the same time - Frak! He thought as the Galactica soon becomes out numbered. Heavily damaged and soon to be completely disabled, Adama told Helo "It's time to bounce" and asked Helo about the FTL drives, Helo just nods with a look of doom and looks down. Adama then tells the crew "It's been an Honor". Then......what happens? More..yes.


    Storming New Caprica


    One of the reasons why this video is awesome is because the fan who made it used the original music that was literally written for it - "Storming New Caprica". Additionally the music begins and runs in it's original timeline.  It's literally a full length uncut clip from the episode, but without the dialog.

    • Herb: Just watched the fanvid "Storming New Caprica."  It truly was awesome. That was one of my favorite BSG eps and it was great to re-watch it and let the music tell the story. Thanks for posting!


  • There is a fantastic fan vid on YouTube called "So What, Kara's theme song," edited to the Pink song. I can't post the link, however, because I am overseas and it won't show here due to copy right issues. But if you're in the US, you can try to search for it. It is really worth it!

    This one is also a great one worth watching entitled "Battlestar Rhapsody":



    Enjoy! :)

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