again (first time since I was a kid)  and forgot just how good the original show was.  My favorite episode with the original series oddly enough is also same as reimagined series.  The episodes surrounding the Galactica and Pegasus.  It is just my humble opinion though and nothing more, I like the ending of the original series over the reimagined.  I mean yeah, Pegasus going out in a blaze of pure Toaster Roasting glory along with a resurrection ship is amazing.....(reboot)  but the same blaze of glory with the mystery of surviving.....far better in my opinion. 

So, all that being said, what is your favorite episode(s) that parallel both shows? if not full episode parallel, close similarities old to new, and/or character stories........ 

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  • I know this is an old post but as far as the original series goes, my two favorite episodes are:

    1. Fred Astaire (!) guest stars and plays a character on the run, who tells Starbuck that he happens to be Starbuck's father.  I got a kick seeing this classic movie actor in the BSG universe.  And no, him and Starbuck never danced cheek to cheek.

    2. Apollo, I think it was him, crash lands on a planet that has a Wild West-themed community (don't all sci-fi shows have at least one Wild West-inspired episode?)  There's this malfunctioning Centurion there also, and yep you guessed it, showdown!

    Well, that's about it.


  • I am almost through it and am totally impressed on how good the "Animation" concerning ships movements and such.  It looks good even by today's standards.

  • I am now finally just starting the original series (ME TV has been showing it) I am only 2 episodes in but I can say I am really enjoying it so far. 

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