Time Warriors interviews our very own esteem Raven Actual, making her the first American BSG Costumer they interviewed.
In their own words:
As part of our ongoing cosplay series the Time Warriors went global to find out how the guys across the world do it. So today we talk to Cherry, a stoic Galactican that takes fans to new levels. Here she talks about how she became involved in the world of Galactica, costuming and the nicest celebrity she has ever met. Hi Cherry, thanks for talking to us today. It’s our honour for you to be our first global costumer.
For the results of the interview, you can find it here at the following link: http://www.thetimewarriors.co.uk/blog/?p=8150
And I might add, it was a good and one hell of an interview.
-Raven Marine OIC
Very cool to read the article and see a different side if you will the Time Warriors have been around for a long time and being a part of the is cool in itself. I read the article thank for the kind words and i will continue to press on and step it up as i do every year. Take care and be safe.