The Time Warriors


I just wanted to share a message to all of you that I just got today.  It is from the Time Warriors!  The Time Warriors is a major blogging site based out of the United Kingdom.  One of the main things they do at the Time Warriors is they interview and feature fans from all around the world, that does costuming of any kind.  He just did recently did an interview with V fans from America. One of the main writer for The Time Warriors happens to be a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica.  He wanted me to extend an invitation to all of you out there, if anyone of you are interested in participating in an interview conducted by him and maybe even be featured at their site located at the following link:  


Don't hesitate to check them out specially their Irish Cosplay Section!

He believes that this might also help connect with a lot of Irish Fans and maybe even something real good might come out of it.  So if anyone of you out there especially members of Battlestar Raven, that wants to take this opportunity, this is your chance now to feel and be like a star.         ;-) :-)   Anyone interested may contact  Owen Quinn at:


Raven Actual

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  • Spectre,

    Not a problem!  I will send you an email with in regards to that on the side.  I must say some of the questions surprise me as it looks like he had surveyed me first :-)  But I certainly love talking my butt off when I have too as I am use to talking to a crowd. :-)  

    As far as shining, I don't think the Raven will have a problem doing that along with the Blackstar.  We certainly have a lot of talented people aboard the Raven whose yet to be discovered. :-)  Making the Raven and everyone on board shine, is certainly one of goals as her Commander. I always say, if you are given the chance to shine, take it or you will lose it.  :-)

    Take care and good night!  Lights out for me as I have to be on duty in several hours.  


    Raven Actual

  • Raven Actual--when you get a little free time, could you shoot me an email with just basic info concerning your interview?
    Just basic details like: what method was used for interview, a sample question or two and if he/she wanted photos.
    I've already contacted Owen, but would like to prepare in order to really get the Raven and Blackstar out in the public eye more.

    I taught for 5 years during a special duty assignment while still in the AF, and can certainly work a crowd--I just want to really make us shine.
  • Thanks!  I actually just got done being interviewed by Time Warriors in my off duty uniform.  And I must say, it was a great experience.

    Raven Actual

  • Well, thanks Reamer!!!
    Very kind words. The uniform looks a little dark in some photos, but is pretty close to screen colors.
    Maybe I could do a multi-part interview....changing uniforms between classic BSG battle suit, dress suit, all three Trek TOS uniforms and some Batman
    That would be funny....and then throw in my "real" Indiana Jones gear and some Star Wars.

    Truthfully, I'd rather stick to my BSG battlesuit. Or, my classic BSG Cain battlesuit...which will be finished soon.
    It's a slight variant, though--I'm sporting 2 But--will carry my swagger stick.
  • I think you would be a great candidate for this interview Spectre. The first time i saw your original BSG uniform I felt that you could very easily pass for one of the members of the TOS BSG cast.

    Spectre said:

    That's great info, Raven Actual.
    Also good to have a contact address for him. I think that with my various uniforms....I'll drop him a line.
    Let's see if we can get the Raven and Blackstar some face-time...
  • That's great info, Raven Actual.
    Also good to have a contact address for him. I think that with my various uniforms....I'll drop him a line.
    Let's see if we can get the Raven and Blackstar some face-time...
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