This is for Keith and any others who may possibly be interested in publishing material of their own as a book.

First of all, let me suggest these folks. They help folks get published and also give each other tips about writing, marketing, etc. I hope they can be helpful to you. Also, you might look into e-books since publishing can be expensive, and the present trend is electronic books. It's putting lots of book stores our of business. Also, you may consider writing your book and contacting local art schools for some good students who can turn your basic concepts into professional material. Also, you may consider self publishing by going to Kenkos or similar print shops and making as many copies as you feel is appropriate, rather than having to get thousands printed by a willing publisher. Just be certain about possible copyright laws...Those pesky lawyers are as greedy as the Farengi. I wish you great success. Good hunting! Kapla!

So say we all!

John David Feagin

Also, if any others have suggestions, please share them.

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