Standard Time

Should this site display a standard clock, "Fleet Time" perhaps? This would benefit colonials around the planet to take part in future missions or other group events.

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  • Hi Aeneas, as Iceworm mentioned, we use time zones here in the BFC. Our missions are always at 10:PM EST. For you in the UK I think it would be 3:AM in the morning. It's very difficult for many of our members to take part of our missions due to the time zone they reside in. 10:PM EST works the best for our US members. It's actually 10:PM for me and it's 7:PM for our members on the west coast of the US.

    Since our missions are always performed on a Saturday night, you could stay up extra late and join us. Then you could sleep late on Sunday to recover. It's just a thought, but you're always welcome to join us if you like.

  • Thank you Paul. Being relatively new to BFC and the Raven I am still learning how things work. I can fully understand the difficulties in running such a world wide fanclub, time differences being a small problem. See you among the stars,


  • Greetings Tony. Ship and Fleet time are arbitrarily set once in a while for activities like chat room missions. You're right that world wide members are limited in participation. Ship time for a mission is usually identified by time zone used. Yep, there's a lot of "usuallys" and "once in a whiles" here, but your suggestion is valid. I think it is not used because it would be one more item to negotiate/standardize among chapters, and we usually leave as much as possible in non-canon procedures to each one. That way each chapter/group can run on their own time. I've seen many here have trouble with conversions from 24 hr clock to 12 hr time. Regards, Paul

  • A countdown clock is displayed for a big event such as Galacticon 4.
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