Staff writers wanted!

Hey folks!

I wanted to talk about a thing called synergy...a word Richard Hatch likes to use a lot and it's very applicable.

We are all about synergy is the colletive energy generated by all the contributing facets of...well, all of us.

This is something that the fans generate, the actors generate...kind of like the force if you want to go there.

The main thing is, we build the organization of what we do by what we do.

I'm going to put it out there that we need regular writers who want to contribute to the site...relevent material about the original Galactica, talk about the re-imagined series, talk Caprica, talk Blood & STORY!

That is relevence....please make submissions at least 750 words (that's not a lot) & present it in the form of a blog...just let us know when you've got it ready to go  and we'll post it on the main page.

Also make sure that whatever you post strongly references directly Battlestar Galactica, the Fan Club & the subject matter at hand...use the references.


Cause then we'll have all those wonderful little web crawlers all over us...helping people seek out the information they need.

More relevence=more attention=more people looking at this site!

You are now ready for your close up!

So say we all!


You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

Join The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club

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  • I'm going to start my own essay about the re-imagined series. this was a life changing series for me and will try my best to catch the reasons why, the highlights and downers and the way is affected me as a fan and a person.


    I'll let you know when I have it ready. I'm not much of a writer but I'll do my best.


    thanks for the chance.

    • Yes brother! go for it...let's get more people to add to our big beautiful Battlestar Universe! everyone has something to say!
  • I've got one ready. Where would you like be to send it?
    • Sounds like we have got something then....send that beauty off to Dan
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