Mik Mo and his Seekers would like to invite all squadrons of the Battlestar Raven and Gunstar Trieme to a special Trivia Night CAP on Saturday 05/14/16 at 10:00pm Eastern. This will be a fun night of flying and answering trivia questions about our favorite fandom. This Special CAP will be open to all members to participate in.  This event will be hosted in the main chat room by Ens. Freya.

The Seekers Look forward to seeing everyone there!!

You need to be a member of The Battlestar Galactica Fanclub- The First, Original BSG Club to add comments!

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  • I understand Aeneas. We hope to see you soon for another event.

  • Thanks for the opportunity for the joint CAP, unfortunately in my other life I will be busy on the 14th and 22.00 EST equates to 04..00 CET (central European time). Sorry to be a party pooper,


  • Iceworm we will miss you but Congrats on your Granddaughters graduation. Go and celebrate with your family!!

  • I will be at my Granddaughter's graduation, sorry to miss the fun. I know it will be great.

  • Update:

    The date has been changed to 05/14/16 due to a scheduling conflict. I hope to see everyone in the Chat then for a night of fun filled BSG trivia

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