So you want a low priced costume to wear, maybe even to be a Cylon. Just finished first of two BSG Prisoner costumes, one medium and one large. Plan to bring to Comicpalooza as extra wear for people working our table, and to draw attention walking around the event. "Don't get caught around Tricia Helfer without a Cylon suit." 

Prisoner suit:

Red overalls - $28 new, $8 used

Fake leather remnants - $6

Army/Navy Surplus Name tag numbers - $4

"Party City" rubber cuffs - $2.50

Seamstress that owes you a favor - Priceless

Total - $20 bucks or so

Iceworm, costumer to the stars.

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  • Thanks Mike.

  • I love the idea, concepts and execution.
  • Hi Grace,

    Thought Dickies and Walls were the two best looking overalls. Wanted shell only, no liner. Bought a Walls 100% cotton size 40 for $28, and a Walls size 54 cotton blend for $32, both on ebay. Saw a used one at goodwill for $8 but didn't buy it. Removed zippers before attaching panels. Will alter the fit on the larger one for me before finishing.

    Regards, Paul

  • Where did you get the jumpsuit?  I'm just curious!

  • Great job Iceworm!!! A very easy to make costume at a very reasonable price.

    SO SAY WE ALL! ! ! ! !

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