I VERY MUCH look forward to discussions of technical issues on the BSG Fan Club site!   It sounds like LOTS of fun!  I can not presently present ALL of my technical  and political plans/intensions, BUT I will share some.  ALL of my personal military intensions are directed only against civilizations that have continually shown a desire and intent do destroy the human race.  They obviously must be destroyed.  Personally I have long had plans/scenarios of having “Flies On The Wall” to spy on the enemies of humanity and download their technical data.  Also, I have long thought of combining Battlestars with Star Trek Tech…a Hi-Bread using FTL’s AND Warp Drive, as well as Pulsar Canons.  The FTL’s from BSG allow quick hit and run assaults that can not be pursued or tracked.  The Warp Drive allows long range high speed transportation.  The Pulsar Canon allows a MEGA RAM BLASTER to clobber enemy ships of the line in one shot while allowing the other weapon systems to engage enemy ships simultaneously while it re-loads.  In my world, I also foresee using BSG’s FTL’s to send asteroids to deliver Extinction Level Events to enemy planets and civilizations without polluting them with nukes.  This would also crush DUMB’s (Deep Underground Bases).  Star Trek tech would allow for mass production of military hardware via repicators, and both have the technology for cloning massive populations of humans and using programs to train the clones and give them “lives” as well as controlling their growth processes for instant “shake and bake” human colonies.  The Star Trek tech also allowed for a method of modifying the transporters to “beam” in nukes or matter/antimatter warheads into the BORG…In the series it was used for a resistance organization, and depleted the DNA of humanoids, BUT…me thinks it would work wonders on BORG cubes!  Since the BORG do not seemingly colonize worlds, just take their populations and technology…there will be countless worlds to populate with humans.  In my world, there are mobile star bases with pulsar cannons that can deliver enough blast per shot to initiate super-volcanoes on enemy world, start mega-quakes on their fault lines, and blast the BORG cubes to teenincy pieces.  Each has 144 launch tubes for Battlestars equipped as previously mentioned, 12 docking bays for repairs, and a similar number of mobile pulsar cannons superficially to repel fleets of the enemy.  These also are transported in long superstructures that have 144  of these mobile star bases, and a SUPER pulsar cannon that can effectively destroy a planet, but ONLY in emergencies, or if capturing it would become too much of a meat grinder.  My forces mostly use hit and run tactics, and if reasonably convenient, secure the planets with mobile star bases.   My fighter craft resemble Vipers, but also have HAG’s (Helmet Aimed Guns) on their wing tips, and other variants not worth discussing in this.  We shall launch a sudden and swift, well coordinated assault on the worlds of the Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians, and possibly the Farengi worlds, but leave friendlies such as the Vulcans, the Betazoids, and OBVIOUSLY, the FEDERATION alone.  Our next assault will wipe out the 12 colonies occupied by the Cylons and their home world(s).  We have land forces not worth mentioning to take their forces out on the surface as needed.   Once the star gate at Star Base 9 is secured, thus keeping out the Dominion’s forces, allies amongst the “friendlies” are armed for defenses, and the Cylon empire is crushed…We shall take out the BORG.  I have briefly mentioned SOME of the tactics we shall use, but not all.  Oh, one more thing…The attacks on the Klingons, Romulans, and Cardassians will be supplemented by using THEIR types of disruptors and stirring up squabbles and melees amongst them…They will be fighting each other when we jump in and attack their home worlds and then clean up their territorial holdings.  Naturally we will use lots of various HKRD’s (Hunter Killer Reconnaissance Droids) large walking HKD’s (Hunter Killer Droids) and HBD’s (Humanoid Battle Droids), which are SIMILAR to Cylons or Terminators.  Not to worry, they are HARD WIRED to NOT kill humans.  ALL of our weapons systems are also HARD WIRED with ROM programming so they can quickly be re-booted in the case of any sort of cyber attack, and are also hardened against EMP attacks.  Everything is also made modularly, so entire components are simply replaced quickly rather than requiring lots of repair time, and each weapon system is independently powered.  In the case of severe battle damage, fusion reactors automatically are ejected, and closed off.  In case any Battlestar is so severely disabled it will surely be destroyed, it pulls a Pegasis and rams the enemy, with all available weapons firing at the enemy as the crew abandons ship.  Ground forces for humans include, but are not limited to large MPFV’s (Multi Purpose Fighting Vehicles) of sufficient size to destroy Imperial Walkers, as well as tank sized MPFV’s.  Battlestars also are classified as MPFV’s, standing for Multi Purpose Fighting Vessels, because they are not only huge trireme type galleys, but also spacecraft carriers and landing craft to offload ground based vehicles and forces.  All assault troops are armed with IW’s (Individual Weapons) which are blasters capable of firing single shot high powered rounds, rapid fire bursts, or fully automatic blasts, as well as hard body armor capable of absorbing enemy firepower, within a reasonable extent.  Once all enemies are defeated, each world develops on its own, but approximately one month per year per person is dedicated to unified military training, farming, and industrial production.  If any are attacked, ALL stand ready to respond.  As far as planetary defenses are concerned, each planet ultimately gets at least 12 mobile base stations with their previously mentioned defenses, similar ground based defenses, land and ocean based, and two mini-Death Stars, for BORG defenses.  If other enemies of unknown origin such as the Star Gate bug critters want to mix it up with us, we will be very glad to exterminate them and take over their worlds as well.


So say we all!!!!   


Also...I shall keep my personal identty secret as well as the location of our initial location in an unknown astroid field, so no time manipulation is used to foil our plans to defend the human race and colonize the galaxy.  I could get more specific on many of these issues, but this is enough for now.

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