Hey folks Thanks for the add. I am a huge bsg fan and am really wanting two sets of screen accurate bsg Junior flight wings. If anyone can please help. I am desperately wanting these. My email is jefferymc68@yahoo.com

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  • An update I ordered a set of screen used wings from blood and chrome and I should be getting them today. 8/30/17.
    I also found a better set of Senior wings made by Frank Bono aka mara Jade's father on the dewback wing ASAP. These are the best I have seen.
    I still have three sets on junior wings coming from alchemy arms so I will have plenty of wings soon.
    Now it's time for the uniform. Duty blues, already have most of the duty green.
  • I have a set of Senior wings from them and I love them.
    Can't wait for the junior wings considering I have been looking for months.

    Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson said:

    Great! That's where I bought my Sr. wings from;You will not be disappointed.

  • Great! That's where I bought my Sr. wings from;You will not be disappointed.

  • Hey folks
    I spoke to Dan at alchemy arms and he is having another run of screen accurate Junior and Senior wings made.
    Should be by the end of August.
    I will keep you posted.
  • Hey folks.
    Still on the hunt for screen accurate Junior pilots wings.
  • I managed to score a set of screen accurate Senior wings today.
    Cost me but I got them.
    If anyone has a lead on where I can get two sets of the junior wings screen accurate please let me know.
  • Is there anyone here that was part of dewback wing ASAP?
    Just wondering if they would still have any of the pilot wing they would sell.
  • They should get more;In the meantime,You might want to consider amazon as well;However, take a very close look at what they have,to make sure it's what you're looking for.

  • Col. Keith "Leonidas" Ranson said:

    Then alchemy is your best bet then.

    I agree but at the time they r out.
    I am hoping he gets more.
    I have one I got off dewback wing ASAP and would I would take a couple of those if someone have them too.
  • Then alchemy is your best bet then.

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