I mean't to add this when I first joined but then got mega busy so I am back.

Whenever the rebooted BSG went off the air, I remember Edward Olmos saying that he still had another story that he wanted to tell, that would have occurred after the arrival on Earth 2.  I remember his thoughts were to do a graphic novel, and sadly he lost momentum and never got to write the story.

That being said, I am curious what my fellow BSG fans thing of that idea.  I believe that there could be at least one more story told in a telemovie or mini-series format.  The story points that could drive the show would be..

  • Leoban - Obviously the bad guy here. He was wayyy to quick to sign up for living his life on EArth 2.  There could be a ton of leoban copies on the planet as well.
  • Adama's faith - Adama was always a non-believer until the end.  He never quite stated that he had a specific belief but seemed to adopt the idea of something after death.  Plus he would be driven to explore this in hopes of seeing Pres. Roselin again
  • Of course having Starbuck as an angel on his shoulder could help guide him to his death and seeing here again
  • Also Tyrol going to ancient Scotland was and odd one for me.  Perhaps he ended up maintaining a small group of Raptors as a "just in case" measure.

I have a bazillion ideas on this, but am curious to see if the fans here think there is another story as well what would they like to see in it?

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  • I have thought that there could be other ships out there. Perhaps not an entire fleet but there could be a lot of large ships around, at least around the beginning years of the series. I would think that none of them would last longer than the fleet would have.

    However some may have settled on planets that sustained life.

    I have always thought that there could be a small community of humans and cyclones that were left behind on New Caprica as well.
  • I like the ideas. Personally I think there are more stories with other survivors and other ships out there. Have you ever fleshed any of them out?

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