Raven Crew And Friends,

I know I have been very busy with real plus being under the weather with this ever changing and unpredicatable weather. All thanks to Mother Nature.. So it always gives me joy doing things on the side to relax. And one of them is my growing passion being creative here at Battlestar Galactica Fan Club. I love doing things for my crew on the Raven and others, to make things more fun. So it gives me great pleasure to present this first ever Raven Crew Access ID Card. There is a hologram of the Raven Ship logo and BFC to add some authentication to it just like any other ID. Also, there is a space to put your own photo on it too.   So ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

And more to come soon... So COME AND JOIN the ever fun loving, funny, but hard core crew of Battlestar Raven. If interested, please do not hesitate to contact me personally or the Raven Executive Officer Major Al Bartraw. You may also join our group page here on the site located at the following URL: http://battlestarfanclub.com/group/bfc002raven The Raven also have an official website located at the following address: http://www.battlestarraven-bfc-002.com/ Either link will give you an idea of which departments you would like to serve on. We still have a few available positions on the Raven. So if you want to be part of an elite group of people helping defend the Colonies, Quorum of 12, then joining the BFC Flagship Raven, is the way to go about it. Each of the Raven's Department, has the best qualified people to head it.

Also, I would like to personally officially WELCOME four new members to the Battlestar Raven. They are:

Troy Copes

Dawn Fromel

Paul Rezac

Tym Pollack

Thank you for joining Battlestar Galactica Fan Club and BFC Flagship Battlestar Raven. The fun is just beginning. :-) I have an open door policy so if you ever need anything along the line, please do not hesitate to let me know or my Executive Officer on the Raven, Major Al Bartraw.

SO SAY WE ALL!!!!!!!


Cherry "DragonLady"

Commanding Officer-Battlestar Raven

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