Greetings Colonials,

In order to help everyone on finding out who has completed their qualifications i have established the following list below.  This list will only cover members who have recently taken their exams.  If you had taken your exam a long time ago or many years back your name will not be listed. In closing i want to congratulate these members for taking their examination and qualifying.  Upon qualifying a member will have a tail number assigned. Which will be listed on their certificate of completion.   I have listed the below more or less in the order i have graded their examinations.  Be safe everyone and thank you ~Salutes~

Steve Tweed             Michael Morelock   

Michael Quinn             Leslie Willis

Keith Ranson             David Sangrey

Jeff Phillips                Joseph Vogt

Mason Sinclair          Craig Foshaug

Eric Morelli                Brian Styron

Justin James           Andrew Pattenden

Diego Martin             James Lavelle

Jerry Orfano             Adam Wakeling

Cherie Leach 

Grace Nonemaker

Scott Glover

Francois Cote

Cherie Leach                Al Bartraw                Brian Stephenson

Ann Sloan                    Scott Travis              Anthony Bunn

Vince Phelps                 Mason Sinclair          Thomas Sigmundson

Robert Vonada              Diego Martin             Jason Dent

Tifany Oslin                 Chris Saunders          Brian Styron

Shane Coble                 Francios Cote           Andrew Pattenden

Edward O'Connell          Tara Cole                 Alexander Flakberg

Jeff Philips                  Maryann Barto          James Lavelle

Eric Morelli                  Michael Morelock      Adam Wakeling

Justin James               Winter Guite            James Gardner

Rob Tipton                   Heidi Wilson            Eric Voiers

Tom Burns                  Paul McPherson          Erika Persianni

Jerry Orfano               David Sangrey            Paladin Meyer  

Scott Bulkley               Leslie Willis             James Thompson

Vince Mack                 Tony Carvell

Amanda Marron          Joseph Vogt

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  • Colonials,

                 When your patrol schedule permits please congratulate Ens James Thompson for earning his Viper wings.  Congrats Sir well done keep up the great work.  Good Hunting to you.

  • Colonials,  Please join me in congratulating Ensign Adam Wakeling!  He studied again by hitting the books and earned his TOP GUN Award.  Be safe on patrol and good hunting to you Sir.

  • Attention Colonials,

    Ensign Paladin Meyer has just earned his Viper pilot wings congratulate him when your flight schedule allows. Be safe and good hunting to all.
  • Congratulations to you all!! I hope to see you all out there recycling toasters! 

  • Congratulations to all Pilots that just recently got their certifications and wings. 


    BFC President

  • Congrats Stogie!! 

  • Fellow Colonials,

             Just wanted to inform you all Ensign James Lavelle has re-submitted his Viper examinations and has earned his TOP GUN Award.  Please congratulate him when you get a chance after your patrols.  Be safe everyone and good hunting!

  • Congrats and Welcome all new pilots

  • SO SAY WE ALL. My viper is called "Toaster Roaster"

    LT. JG Tony "Aeneas" Carvell said:

    Well done to all recently qualified pilots and congratulations to the Top Guns. Now you have learned to fly, you need to learn to fly your personal ship. Take her out at every opportunity, push the envelope, discover what she can and CANNOT do! When the time comes in combat and it is getting hairy she will look after you. Train hard, Strike hard!
    Aeneas, SC Perseus Squadron.

  • Well done to all recently qualified pilots and congratulations to the Top Guns. Now you have learned to fly, you need to learn to fly your personal ship. Take her out at every opportunity, push the envelope, discover what she can and CANNOT do! When the time comes in combat and it is getting hairy she will look after you. Train hard, Strike hard!
    Aeneas, SC Perseus Squadron.

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