This was sent to me by one of our NEWEST members here on the Battlestar Fan Club, Alex Beech.  They live in New York, which all know was devastated by the recent super-storm.  Even so, it is somewhat noble and admirable that they are not asking for help for them selves, but rather another person in need:

.........My Mother, Tara my dog, and I fared well. Scary sounds but overall, not a terrible experience. Thanks for checking on us!!

By the way, BSG actor Lymari Nadal is the featured artist on our site, We're raising funds because our playwright friend is really sick. Needs a kidney transplant. Could you let your friends know?

Edward James Olmos and James Callis also made videos...check out our gallery.



I hope y’all will give it a look, and even if you can’t help personally, pass on the information. 




John David Feagin

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