Sorry if this isn't the right location for this.

Hey all,

So for about 2 weeks now I've been working on a design of the Osiris, an Orion class 'Pocket Battlestar' in a game called "Starmade" (Think Minecraft set in space). It's coming along very nicely, and I'm real proud of it. It's going to be fully armed and mobile, complete with screen-accurate everything except the addition of an energy shield matrix. I don't have the screenshots on hand right now, but will attach some when I do have them. 

That's the design picture I'm using, No I didn't draw this.

Link to the Project: Take a look at the screenshots there, I'm real proud of how it's turning out.

So Say we All!

[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

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  • Its starting to take shape Wedge. Keep up the great work. It isn't easy, but nothing easy is worth the effort.

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