Noah Hathaway at Dallas Scifi Expo

Noah Hathaway will be signing autographs at the club table Feb 11-12 at the Irving, TX Convention Center. Check out for information on the Dallas Scifi Expo. I hope to see a good turnout by the members of the club and with any luck recruit a few new ones.








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  • 2504590179?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024I attended this convention and got to meet Noah. He was super nice and I had him autograph a photo of him from the classic BSG series. He even came out from behind the table and took the time to take a photo with me.

    • He was a very fan-friendly guest. We got a lot of great feedback on him from that show.

  • The convention was a success. Noah had a great fan turnout and we gained about 45 new members. here are a few pics from the con.



    Noah Hathaway

    Noah Hathaway


  • Are you callin' me a socialator?
  • Hey man, your starting to get around.

  • Jeez, Paul! I'm bumping into you on all of the BSG boards...LOL!
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