New Raven Squadron Leaders


I would like to officially announce real quick the following individuals that have been selected to become Squadron Leaders of The Raven Perseus and and Minotaur Viper Squadrons:

1. Perseus Viper Squadron: Lt.Jg. Vince "Apollo" Phelps

2. Minotaur Viper Squadron: Lt.Jg. Jeff "Gambit" Phillips

Their excellent credentials and scores on the Viper Qualifications test made them the best candidates for the Squadron Leadership Positions. But they still have yet to attain the TOP GUN Status by obtaining a perfect score on the Viper Qualification Test. And that is my challenge to the both of you to attain and set your goals for. You can retest again when your eligibility comes up. I look forward to seeing both your names on this wall and anyone else who want to be more than just being the average pilot. And like what my Flying Tigers Squadron Leader said, it is lonely up there on the top. So won't you all join us and become a TOP GUN :-) You know you all want too. And you can do it too!

So Say We All!
~Raven Actual


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