First post here---introducing myself.  I am William Quinby, long-time BSG fan.  

I have joined this site to help promote a new book that I've written.  Currently, it's in pre-publication with a small publishing house here in Colorado Springs, Tactical-16 Publishers.  

It's called "Battlestar Galactica:  Ride of the Warhorse".  It's a new story built on a combined framework of the reimagined series and the MMORPG game from BigPoint that shut down last year.  Not only was I a fan of the show, and excited for the reimagined series, but I was also a player in the online game until a few years ago.

I started the book back in 2011; finished it in the summer of 2014.  I had always hoped to get it published, and maybe even out to Hollywood to see it on either a big or small screen, but until last year I had figured it was always just going to be a happy fantasy.  I was lucky enough to fall in with Tactical-16, and we've been pushing ahead ever since.

With the advent of the Peacock Network reboot, there may yet be some life in this thing yet.  Anyway, glad to be here, and feel free to say hi! :)

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  • Feel free to use me in your next book. I'm a cold calculated pilot that would my heart if I had one
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