Traditionally all big ships (battlestars, assaultstars, gunstars etc.) have names but have you given your personal ship a name? My Viper, number 15396UK, has the name "Raining Fury" proudly painted on the left side of the nose. I changed this slightly from "Reigning Fury", an opera showing in Leonis City at the time of the Cylon attack.

Ens. NAT Hallam has named her Viper "Maelstrom". 

So has any other Colonial Warrior named their Viper or Raptor? 

Aeneas, SC Perseus Sqdn.

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  • i will call mine "Excaliber" it speak's for its self Tail number 15399UK

  • I agree!

  • Good one Hellpop, all Vipers are good birds, but mkVIIs are the best.

    Ens. Craig "Hellpop" Foshaug said:

    I fly the 'SerenFrakkinDipity'.  She's a good bird. Hasn't let me down yet.:)

  • I fly the 'SerenFrakkinDipity'.  She's a good bird. Hasn't let me down yet.:)

  • Thanks Aeneas,

    It is more Norse than LOTR but It can go either way :) I view the Seekers are the Shield of the Raven's Airwing. Those who go and do the work the others cannot. That is why I am proud to be a Seeker!
    Ens. Tony "Aeneas" Carvell said:

    Nice artwork Freya. Shieldmaiden, a hint of The Lord of the Rings maybe?

  • Nice artwork Freya. Shieldmaiden, a hint of The Lord of the Rings maybe?

  • Nice job Freya! We need those for the vipers as well.
  • Here is Raptor 220M "Shield Maiden"


  • Here is some graphics I did a while ago for the Raptors for Mik Mo and myself.

    Raptor 250 "The Hard Six"2504604685?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Raptor 220M is "The Shieldmaiden"

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