Well, I spoke with the folks at Moebius Models a little over a week ago about the possible drop date for the Raptor model.  They told me then, maybe 7 more weeks.  So at this point, maybe 5 weeks until we see a Raptor from them?  I have had the kit and the armament kit on order for a while as I am sure many here have as well.  Just putting this out there for anyone who might have been curious.  I personally trying to resist the urge to pick up one from Bad-Azz models/jt-graphics.com but I might have to give in to temptation. :)  I want one!

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  • yeah, Bad-Azz has a Raptor, actually several Raptors in different configurations.  If Moebius doesn't do something soon, I might just have to drop the $$$ on a Bad-Azz Raptor. 

  • Bad-Azz,thru JT graphics,actually has that kit in that particular version out; It's $250,though.

    Shannon McVey said:

    I REALLY wish they would put out a B&C raptor kit.

    Just got my Mobius Galactica kit a couple of months ago; waiting on the detail kit from Shapeways before I put it together.

  • I REALLY wish they would put out a B&C raptor kit.

    Just got my Mobius Galactica kit a couple of months ago; waiting on the detail kit from Shapeways before I put it together.

  • Once the kit does come out I may have to commission someone to build it for me. I am not talented enough to do it myself. But it does look great and I cant wait to see it. 

  • Never mind, it turns out there are a few out there. Some are massive (43,000+ pieces)!:(
  • Thanks for the info. Now we just need someone to do a full on Battlestar!!
  • yes i built two vipers pics are up on my page here on this site i built them from instructions i got from ebay or from a website title brickstruct.com i bought the Lego pieces from a website title bricklink.com i also built a Landram also and yes the delay and take down from the Lego website was due to Licensing problems. once i have my two raptors built i will be posting pics.

  • The very same thing that delayed the moebius kit,probably

    Ens. Craig "Hellpop" Foshaug said:

    Vampire, did you do up a viper in Lego already? I know they did one up on a Lego site in hopes of it going to production but stalled due to licensing.
  • Vampire, did you do up a viper in Lego already? I know they did one up on a Lego site in hopes of it going to production but stalled due to licensing.
  • Vampire, I would love to see some pics of your progress!  I bet they look sweeeet!!!

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