Have any of you been following the development of the new "Space Command" project? I see their Kickstarter just ended and was successfully funded. Their goal was $75K and they made that in just 3 days and they ended up with nearly $230K for the whole kickstarter run. Looks like it will be a cool retro-style sci-fi project. I can't wait to see it. It's a series of films that deal with 2 families that take part in early space exploration and the colonization of the solar system and beyond. The films cover several generations of these families. Check it out at spacecommandmovie.com.

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  • I REALLY like the Kick Starter info given here. It could really be great for BSG fans and projects on a small or large scale! :o) JDF
    • That would be awesome to see a BSG fan film done right with a good budget to make it look good.


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